2D Path problem: GetPositionOnCurveArcLength() with t = 1 is returning wrong values

Hello, i’d like to report an issue i’ve noticed while using 2D Paths.
I was creating a gui animation using 2d paths, but i ran into a strange issue where path:GetPositionOnCurveArcLength() returns a wildly incorrect value at t = 1 (the very end of the path). However if i tween the animation until t = 0.9999, the issue doesn’t persist.

This is how my loading screen looks if i tween the animation to t = 1

This is how my loading screen looks if i tween the animation to t = 0.999

My specific paths had 3 control points with the 2nd one being a tangent.
It looks like at t = 1, GetPositionOnCurveArcLength returns the same position as the first control point (approximately).

Repro file: paths-bug-repro.rbxl (57.0 KB)
Keep in mind this repro file only reproduces the bug for one of the paths shown, not both.

Edit: I just discovered the bug also depends on viewport (screen) size.

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