2d Procedural Cave Generation Showcase/Feedback

Currently experimenting with 2d cave generation. This tutorial playlist really helped me accomplish this, since I was able to convert C# code used into lua, since there aren’t really cave generation tutorials on lua.

Normal-Sized Regions

Large Region with a local water level

Small Regions

Large Region, no water level

Another note: This generation is procedural, so each seed has a different cave shape, size, and water level

Any Ideas/Feedback? Please let me know!


This is actually insane! I haven’t seen a lot of full games made with procedural Generation


looks good. This would be good for an open world mining game or something


Terrain Generation 2 - Roblox Studio (Chunk Objects and Triangles) - YouTube
this dude got a playlist on it

hello can u show the code? please

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This cave-generation showcase looks great! Nice job on it!

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