2D roblox game idea

I’ve been making a 2D game and wondering if anyone has any ideas of what direction I should move it towards. (Sprites aren’t mine I’m just using them for display purposes.)


Make it a proper game, id recommend something like flappy birds, with more to do tho


Make it as super mario but with npcs with chat bubbles and story


cool idea, did you consider making it multiplayer?
or can you just make a platformer?


Thanks! My demo is multiplayer.

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Add a parallax background. Like in Terraria.


The video is muted so I may be wrong, however sound effects would be cool if they are not yet implemented. Also when you land or jump maybe like a little dust effect to show impact.

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It would be cool if all the sprites were hand-drawn, and it was sort of LittleBigPlanet themed

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This 2D game looks nice so far! Good job on it! I recommend making it similar to Mario, and adding enemies that you jump on, and obstacles to get through. This looks very cool!

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Thanks so much! I think that’s the approach I’m going to go towards

Theres lots of things you could do with a 2d games, my first thought is a mario clone, you could also do a spin on a variety of classic minigames such as a spleef or brickbattle or even a simple adventure showcase where the player just runs around finding easter eggs

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I took your suggestion and thought adding random moving clouds would be cool. Let me know if you think it works or not.

Making them fit the aesthetic of the game more would be nice, but I understand you are using placeholder images. Very good game BTW

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