2FA Authenticator lost due to Phone breaking - Unable to get it removed

Hi, I recently lost my old phone due to damage which had an Authenticator app installed for accounts such as Roblox.
Transferring the authenticator has not worked, and I have lost access to getting 2FA codes. I unfortunately do not have my back up codes available.

I have tried contacting Roblox Support through their support form. The first time resulted in a response telling me to create a ticket with the current ID on the verified email (which is the one I first created the ticket on)

Upon doing this again, the Support AI has denied a ticket from being created due to being unable to verify I own my account. I have also tried using the first email which was linked to my Roblox Account however this has had the same fate with the AI response (not even creating a ticket in emails).

When creating the first ticket, the AI sent a code to the first email to be used (but not the verified email on my account)

I also have a verified Phone Number.

Does anybody have an idea how I can get support?

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What is the Authenticator App. I know that Google authenticator has a feature to back up these codes to their servers and access them from there. Did you enable it?

Authy Authenticator.
This does also have the option for backups however I (stupidly) didn’t have it enabled.
They told me the codes are likely saved on my old phone - So there is a chance to recover it.
Phone repair will need to wait two weeks due to having no time. So would be great if there was another way.

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If you could take the hard drive from a phone. and mount it on your computer. Then, you can access the data files of Authy Authenticator and transfer them to your new phone. I think the only option you have is to play the waiting game :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

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I guess.
Not the ideal fix, but allows recovery of the accounts I haven’t bothered to contact support for yet.

Just got group funds and related tasks which require the 2FA codes restricted right now

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