</3 is filtered yet <3 is not

It’s really annoying to have to find that one wrong word in a message that is preventing you from posting it. This one is a little weird, </3 or the ‘broken heart sign’ for some reason is not allowed, at first thought, I assumed it was against ODing, but then… what about <3 ‘heart’ sign? Why is it not filtered?

I <3 programming

</3 hate you

[quote] I <3 programming

</3 hate you [/quote]

“This next update will have to be done when I get more dev time </3” was the literal message I was wanting to post, I see nothing wrong with it

Also, “I <3 u too bb” is a whole lot more OD’er than “</3 hate you”, which at best could be termed mildly offensive?

ROBLOX uses ASP.Net Request Validation, which throws an exception when user input looks like HTML tags. It’s not great for user experience, and it’s something that might be turned off in the future.

You might be able to use <\3