[$300] Passive Studio Is Hiring A Low-Poly Builder!

About Us

G’day folk. Myself and a friend are looking to enter the world of game creation! We are working towards creating our first game to release and we are currently looking for a talented low-poly builder to work with us on this project.

The Team

@Leibzig1975 | Owner & Scripter | GMT+2
@scarfather | Management | GMT

About The Job

As it says above, we are looking to contract a talented low-poly builder who can be patient, reliable, and creative. To begin with, we will be requiring circa 8 assets created to establish some sizes. This will allow for production of the map which will be the bulk of the work. We are looking for a small to medium sized map that is themed as a tropical island with plenty colour and imagination poured into it. We will go into more detail with our chosen developer. There will be NO deadlines or pressures with time and we will work with you in a relaxed and friendly environment.


Our budget for the low poly developer will be $300 (USD). We will be willing to make “safety payments” prior to completion. The developer must sign a contract to ensure a safe transaction between both parties.

Contact Details

You can contact us via DevForum or through discord o l i v e r#4444.
Do note you must be 13 years or older to apply!
Thanks for having a look! :slight_smile:


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