Play: [UPD] Criminal Tycoon - Roblox
December 24 - The Medallion Update
- Introducing…
Airdrops! Earn rewards from every drop, drops every 10-15 minutes in-game or purchasable with robux. There’s a 30% drop chance for robux crates.
Common Drop:
- 50% cash (5-50K)
- 30% skin case (80% common, 20% premium)
- 20% medallions (500-2500)
Robux Drop:
- 20% cash (25-50K)
- 40% skin case (100% premium)
- 40% medallions (500-2500)
Common Drop:
- Police Cruiser: cruise around like a cop!
- Dual Uzis: twice the firepower, twice the chaos!
- Increased Fire AK price: 4000 > 12000MD
- Removed spam firing from railgun
- Fixed throwing grenades not working
- Fixed when upgrading base, player is reimbursed for MD they spent upon rejoining
- Fixed upgrade stats display incorrectly for medallion cars
- Fixed players can “shoot through” riot shield
- Fixed tycoon not streaming in when player moves towards it at high speeds
- Fixed laser railgun bugs
- Other minor fixes
December 24 - Medallion Update)
December 24 - The Medallion Update
- Introducing…
Medallions (MD): unlock new content and base upgrades! Rewarded after rebirth 8+
- New vehicles:
- Monster Truck: lifted truck with armored windows
- Angry Mac: armored vehicle with turret
- Nightwing: the ultimate bat mobile!
- Weapons:
- Deagle: the ultimate sidearm, shoots rapid damaging shots.
- MEGA RPG: a deadly one-shot killer
- Laser Railgun: charges up long-range explosive laser bullets
- Fire AK47: shoot flame bullets than burn on players
- (Grenade) MEGA Grenade: a grenade… but mega!
- Utility item:
- Attack Drone: control and fly a drone loaded with a mini gatling gun. Up to 1200 studs range.
- Expired event weapons are now back and available for medallions (duffel bag/license plate skins and cyberquad remain limited)
- No more rebirth cap. To infinity and beyond!
- Added more level rewards after lvl 50+
- Added rebirth leaderboard
- Base upgrades (research) now cost Medallions
- New level cap from 50 > 100
- Changed level rewards for several levels
- Buffed explosive sniper
- Edited daily spinner rewards. Now also offers medallions.
- Fixed jewelry store not opening
- Added special ‘Monument of Valor’ statue (rebirth 20)
Happy holidays!
September 2 (Map Expansion)
September 2 Update! Map Expansion: Desert!
- Map Expansion: desert! Enjoy a longer drive around town with the 100% bigger map.
- Comes with new robberies: supermarket, gas station, and the new airbase!
- Daily Spinner: roll every 4hrs for rewards!
- Cash and premium cases
- New APC Vehicle (shoots explosive bullets)
- New Explosive Sniper
- Level Rewards: earn rewards for leveling up. More cash, premium cases, and more! This comes with new levels system where you’ll level up faster (max is now 50).
- Safe/Piggy Bank Product: shows up every two weeks, fill up the safe and purchase cash for great value!
- New Electrical Station at the hill
- Revamped city gas station and supermarket
- Added new parking garages
- New gun crosshairs (only PC for now)
- New levels system (with removal of robbery progress rewards), your new level is based on your total xp earned.
- Increased weapon camera zoom
- Smoother tweens for dock ship and aircraft carrier elevator
- Added car brake lights
- Prevented base streaming issues
- Increased max cash devproduct price
- Removed old military base and gas station suburb
- Increased camera zoom a bit on weapon equip
- RPG vehicle dmg from 1000>450
- Other minor changes
- Added possible prevention for cash register money stacks being uncollectible
- Fixed rebirth screen displaying incorrect progress amount
July 29 (Rebirth 7)
July 29 Update! Aircraft Carrier & Rebirth 7!
- New robbery: Aircraft Carrier. Highest rewarding robbery, recommended with crew!
- Rebirth 7: grenade launcher, lvl 6-7 tower/fence upgrades, anti-explosive vest, and the flamethrower!
- Buffed RPG: dmg from 110>120, no bullet drop, reduced spread dramatically
- Increased airstrike price 500k>1.25m, nerfed dmg by 45%, range 1500>650studs
- Increased Night Stalker heli price 1>1.15m
- Increased car skin case price 20k>30K
- Decreased rebirth 4 premium case reward 5>3
- New Helicopter garage scene (more performant)
- New cargo crate models (more performant)
July 16 (Season 2 Event)
July 16 Update! Season 2 Event
- EVENT: unlock limited items including the new cyberquad atv, x-bow, sniper revolver. The first of their kind to be released!
- Shooting Range: test your aim and weapons at the all-new shooting range. Play rounds in easy-med-hard modes or set idle target distances for practice.
- Retouched mobile ui (gun, vehicle, and gameplay buttons)
- Tag indicator (crosshair and sfx)
- Cash devproduct pricing change, you now get more cash per robux spent!
- Robbery keypad time x2 for xbox
- Hid player hp bar under grenade smoke
- (Setting) Turn off robbery alarm sounds
- More obvious when you’re damaged
- Crouch and crawl are now different buttons/inputs
- Buffed vehicle HP upgrades
- Moved heli pilot seats on the left
- Level up sfx
- No more punch when typing
- Replicated vest displays properly
- Fixed stinger sometimes not doing damage
- Fixed ATM cash value not showing in some languages
- Fixed grenade sometime not working with weapon unequipping
- Fixed sentry turret bullet replication issues
- Fixed tycoon base alarm stopping when there’s still active robbers
July 7 (Rebirth 6)
July 7 Update! Rebirth 6: Armory Specialist
- Rebirth 6 “Armory Specialist”: armored Sherpa vehicle, HP vest, +2 new grenades, +3 new weapons
- Grenades: Smoke and Molotov
- Weapons
– AA-12 shotgun - is the first automatic shotgun in-game
– G11 - is the first in-game automatic with a sniper scope
– M110 - a variant of the event’s semi-automatic sniper rifle! - Vault cash earning: cash safes in bunker vault will earn an extra $40k every 10 minutes if collected! Your vault and bunker cash printer earnings will pause while you’re getting robbed, and for 5 mins after someone has successfully robbed you.
- New rebirth ui
- Increased Extra Duffel Bag Pass bag size $5k>10k
- Increased earnings of bunker cash printers by 50%
- Increased earnings of oil tanks by 13%
- Increased earning of cashprinter5 by 10%
- No more player forcefield on respawn
- Fixed vehicle coloring on many vehicles
- Fixed bugs from rebirth (Holes left in grass, turrets not despawning)
- Fixed Tycoon next to bridge fences/towers loading improperly
- Fixed indoor bunker hatches not letting you go into the vault
- Fixed rebirth 4 not giving x5 premium cases. For those who didn’t you still got x1 case per rebirth which was still live. But as a bonus use code ‘FREECASE’ for one premium #2 case.
- Buffed GURKHA 110>120mph
- Buffed grenade dmg distance 18>23studs
- Buffed AA stinger damage from 65>80
- Buffed M110 pulse dmg from 40>42, made scope accuracy 100%, reduced crosshair spread
- Increased aim spread reduction for tac and shotgun by 22%
- Tac buffed spread (min by 60%, max by 25%)
- Grenade ammo count 3>5
June 30 (Revamp Phase 2)
- Bunker Revamp: remodeled everything. Also expanded the bunker and added armored doors, nukes, defenses, research area, and more!
- Base Upgrades: upgrade base defenses, walls, turrets, and more at the new research station!
- New defense: Sentry Turrets.
- Reworked vault robbery: break the power box>C4 the bunker hatch>break bunker door power box>get to vault and steal cash
- Reverted car prices back to before (much cheaper)
- (BUG) disallowed stealing crewmate bounties while they’re in vehicles
- Miscellaneous bug fixes
- Vehicle repair time from 15s>30s
- AA turrets repair time from 15s>45s
June 22 (Revamp Phase 1)
- Tycoon revamp: remodeled interiors and exteriors. Expanded the base to maximum plot size, with the addition of two new rooms and roads. (Phase One)
- Rebirth 5:
- Night Stalker helicopter
- Utility Items (airstrike, radar, night vision)
- Anti-Air Stinger
- Anti-Air Turrets (rebirth 2)
- New ultralight helicopter
- Reorganized rebirth rewards
- Added a dock ship that arrives and leaves
- Rebirths now require cash with no tycoon cost increase (not final)
- Reduced tycoon prices (not final)
- Remodeled rebirth helicopter (Eurocopter)
- Expanded oil rig helipad for easier arrival
- Buffed all robbery income
- +3 weapon slot pass is back. +1 extra gun slot total
- Event cap from 1800>5400
- Lowered bonus reward progress requirements
- Base forcefield from button 50 > 70
- Many minor improvements
- Buffed M110 pulse (dmg and firerate)
- Reduced sniper spread
- Buffed honey badger (+5 ammo)
- Buffed tac (firerate .9>.6, ammo 5>7)
- Buffed shotgun (firerate 1.3>.8, ammo 3>5)
- Medkit buff (heals 50hp>100hp, 6s>3s)