Greetings Lava Ascension Fans!
This guide is on how to get your obstacles into the game. Please read through it completely, as to avoid confusion. I have added a ‘Contributor’ title to the game that is earnable when your map submission is approved.
- No profanity or other inappropriate content.
- Nothing that violates the Roblox Community Rules, Terms of Use, or General Health Notice.
- All obstacles must be submitted as full sets (levels 1, 2, and 3).
- Obstacles must be free of unnecessary scripts (i.e. “vaccines”, “anti-lag”, etc.)
- Obstacles must connect the correct platforms.
- Obstacles can not be or contain free-models of any kind.
- Please adhere to the game’s style. That means mainly grey diamond plate for platforms and red neon for kill parts, with supports connecting everything to the walls.
- Make sure to playtest before you submit it, to ensure that it is possible to complete.
- If you want to add a kill part, just add a blank script named “KILLSCRIPT” into the part, and I will substitute it out (we use a custom system to log fails).
- Make it creative and new. Copies of current obstacles WILL NOT be accepted.
- Each obstacle level should be in its own folder.
- Level 1 obstacles should be simple platforms, generally no kill parts.
- Level 2 obstacles should be simple platforms, generally with kill parts.
- Level 3 obstacles should be advanced and difficult platforms, with or without kill parts.
- Template place file: TemplatePlace (1).rbxl (66.6 KB)
- See Practice Zone in the game for the basic style of the game.
- Studio Build Suite by Fractality is a recommended plugin for building.