[3D] Dragon Turntable Feedback

Hi there folks.
Today , i made a turntable to present my newest Dragon: Crysmalis!

This is my very first turntable and im looking for any possible critique on both the turntable itself & and the models.

Known Issues:
The “Pillar” is slighty off-centered

Additional Info:

The whole scene has 11,638 Tris
2 Particle emitters
The Sun is animated aswell!

any feedback is very appreciated! thanks in advance!

heres the turntable Chrysmalis

matcap view

The Dragon Model

Animated Sun



I don’t really have anything to say about it except for some parts of the dragon being really sharp. For bony or metallic parts, I’d understand but even on the skin? Doesn’t really look right…

But I love it overall though, excellent stuff.


Looks great! The composition of the scene is really nice - the floating crystals give the depth, and I love how the crack in the pillar is fighting over red and blue.

One thing I would suggest - since your modelling and composition is on point, is to fix a bit of the cinematography of the scene. Turntables are typically used for showing a 360 degree view of the focal point, leaving all assets not present in that orbit to be seen for maaaaybe 5 frames. It’s why I didn’t even know that bright yellow object zooming by was a sun until you pointed it out haha. If you still want assets in the background, go for something more established and encompassing, like a distant mountain range (which would give the sun something to tie on to).

Other than that, looks clean! Keep it up!


i dont really like the 100% smooth shading on organic meshes , thats why i add sharp lines here and there.


Well, I guess I can understand ya. Roblox’s triangle limit does kinda make low poly smooth shaded models look like hot garbage sometimes unless PBR comes out soon or stylized textures are used…

Well, if it works for ya then it works for ya and I can see that the sharp edges at least follow a consistent flow and design philosophy. Keep at it, man.

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I think this looks amazing! It’s a little sharp with the edges in some places but it’s completely understandable as a style choice or a poly count limit.