This is a 3Dified version of my attempt to create Serious sam 3 Main Menu-like, much like any other videos i posted on another topic earlier it is still on the W&B style and the fonts i used are close to Myriad font with the stroke being so thick.
annnnnnd it was also originally an improvement to one of my old Main menu attempts like this one, which it was supposed to have 3D GUI but i had no time to implement plus i wasn’t familiar with RunService at that time, now this came true!
Seems like a neat idea. There aren’t many roblox games attempting any sort of 3D ui so it could be a refreshing sight to see. However i also do have to tell you to be wary of different aspect ratios your players may use. It’s VERY easy to design said ui for only your specific aspect ratio and have other aspect ratios either be left with lots of empty space or simply not enough space to fix various content in. There may also be the issue where sometimes roblox would just love making your 3D ui not render for whatever reason.
Here’s an example of a situation you might run into just like me when working with 3D ui:
Pretty much, half the ui by default just did not even load for the person who took this screenshot for me. I also believe the UI Issues have something to do with the fact that i am primarily using canvas groups.