3D head looks go in studio upon import, but when I put it on my character and play, theres a gap

My head looks perfect on import, I weld all the moving parts to the head, and then I put it on the character, theres always this jarring gap. Any tips?

is the gap caused by the moving parts?

is anything based on accessory positions?

does it go away if you remove the humanoid?

Also by 3d head do you mean like a custom one or one thats roblox animated face compatible?

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  1. I dont think so, happens as soon as I spawn in
  2. No, I was planning on making that the case for the hairs for my games charatcers, but I’ll need to read documentation whether that is actually good for games and not just catalogs
  3. No, but interestingly, just tried it and put in the regular basic r15, and the line disappeared both when I play and in studio
  4. Well its both, it has roblox animated face compatibility but we made it ourselves to make it that way (Not sure if thats what you’re asking, hope I answered correctly)

Ok so… the problem might be with your custom rig, right? If you put a different animated head on your rig, does it have the same problem?

Uh how can I test that without making a new animated head? I dont know if thats the problem because for my custom rig I didnt make anything spectacular, I just changed the body description, made him a bit taller, and a bit more slender. Head scale was never touched, still at 1

Maybe load one from the marketplace?

Also does the gap stay there when you make the character playable?

I’ll do so tomorrow morning and give it a try and the line sometimes only appears when I am playing as the startercharacter

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well if we cant find the reason for it, perhaps extending the geometry to fill the gap might be a workaround?

Speaking of geometry… are the vertices where the gap occurred connected? like are the joined together?

Trying removing humanoid part and put a invisible part up there. With anchor point disabled

Interesting Idea… will that allow the face to stay animatable though?