3D Import (R15) Texture distorted when Head.Reflectance < 0.02

Head.Reflectance = 0

Head.Reflectance = 0.02

Expected behavior

The texture should not be distorted when no Reflectance on the Head is set

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Usually avatars will be rendered with texture composition, which tends to save memory but will lower texture quality. However when reflectance is set to larger than 0.015, texture composition will be disabled to handle skybox reflection correctly. This limitation was set quite a while ago, so I’m not sure whether it is still true that skybox reflection can’t be rendered with the shader being used for composite texture. My guess the answer is not, but we need to revisit the engine code to find out.

For now, I would suggest that if you want to keep high texture quality, just set reflectance to 0.016 or higher.