3D Import uploads Animations even though I unchecked "Upload to Roblox"


If I turn this checkbox off


it is still uploading the animations instead of just importing them as instances to use them or move them manually inside the Animation Clip Editor just for the sake of previewing and testing and get given the choice to manage the animations manually


Re-production Steps

  1. Import a .gltf file or anything that has an animation
  2. Ensure the things with _Animation are checked within the Import 3D
  3. Uncheck “Upload to Roblox”
  4. Hit Import

Expected Result


If it can upload animations in the first place it should be possible to have them as instances as well when unchecking Upload to Roblox.

Actual Result


Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.


Hi there, currently there is no way to import animations to the workspace, that is not a feature of the importer.

However I am planning on trying to add behavior similar to that by default if animations are present in the file, stay tuned for future importer updates.

As for the “Upload to Roblox” option, it only affects things that can optionally be uploaded to Roblox like Model and MeshPart Assets.

Even with the setting unchecked, we will upload “data” assets like the image/texture, render mesh, and Keyframe sequence as those cannot work correctly without being uploaded.

I think if we do add the ability to insert animations in the workspace, that option could be used to skip uploading the Animation assets (though the KFS asset will still need to be uploaded)

Hopefully this answers your questions :slight_smile: !

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The purpose of skipping the upload is to preview the imported animation in the Animation Clip Editor, before manually uploading it. Where one has the choice to also organize the upload later (e.g. naming it specifically or updating a pre-existing animation).

Because if the Animation isn’t working as expected in the Animation Clip Editor, then a user (like me) would go back into the 3D Editing Software and adjust the export or fix the Animation, to re-test it later in Studio again.


And I would not want these animations to get uploaded everytime, because the Animation Browser is a serial collection of Animations sorted by date, even in the inventory, where older animations get pushed back further down the list.

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Got it, I’ll reply to this thread when I have an update.

For now, out of curiosity, have you tried the animation preview functionality in the importer? (if you select an animation node in the importer it should play in the 3D preview window).

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If I directly select the animation where all the checkboxes are, I didn’t ever notice animations playing.

But now I remember where the Instances were. Once I figured out that the animations were somewhere, and now I recall where:



Maybe it has trouble playing it because the AnimationId is this


usually this reminds me of these keyframe sequences id that yet need to be uploaded


I think they’re supposed to play, but the problem is that the Parts are not named like the bones and I do have to adjust these all the times.


just selecting this sometimes deletes this entire thing here:



The Importer doesn’t study the file I import completely.

Not sure if the files give a clue on where the bones are parented to, but if it did, maybe it could smart re-name them.


Also another thing I want to mention. I hate the RootPart. I always go to the RootPart, set the size to like 0.1,0.1,0.1 and the RootPriority to something higher (so that I can play the animation without the assembly breaking)

Will there be one day, where the RootPart will no longer be a requirement for animations, but replaced by a pure attachment or something?

Well, the RootPart serves as the assembly but it’s being represented as a Part and idk…


I can move it and the animation still works fine.


If only I knew how the 3D Importer is reading through the file and then returning the information as. Whether it’s using a Roblox Studio built-in function or whether it’s parsing the file within the Plugin itself.