3D Importer - Custom Presets

YES! This will save me roughly 5 seconds each time, meaning I save a minute each day to get another coffee! Jokes aside, really useful and will lots of time when long term.


can u also add an option for situations like this where u can DELETE, you’re made assets, like:
1 - deleting a game
2- deleting Anims
3 - deleting meshes, models
this would help making unnecessarily long inventory (as u can uncheck upload to Roblox, and still have the mesh, without adding it to inventory, I’m assuming this is also possible for deleted items, so they still exist)


The asset importer still ends up failing to import without giving clear reasons as to why it failed quite a lot, are there plans to improve the success rates?


We know that dealing with errors on upload is one of the most frustrating parts of using the importer and we have plans to improve messaging and automatic retries. These plans are still in the works. As for improving the success rate, the best way for us to be able to debug what’s going on is by filing a bug report with the issue you’re encountering.


Only advantage I see that Asset Manager has over 3d Importer is that I can upload multiple things at the same time. As far as I’m aware, I can only upload one fbx at a time and have to manually go through each one.

Once I can select multiple files, 3d importer will be better in pretty much every way.


We are actively working on this, keep an eye out for a beta of multiple files in 3D importer later this year

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