The tutorial by M_caw is great, however if you really want to do it in blender and add things like textures, here’s an overly simplified tutorial for complete beginners that may come across it:
Step 1. Open Photoshop or Inkscape (free software) or any other software that lets you export as SVG.
For this example I will use photoshop as its what I have installed at the moment and the process is very simple in other programs.
Step 2. Copy and paste any foreign text you want - I just copied from google translate

Step 3. In Photoshop right click on the text layer and click “Convert to Shape”

In inkscape this is done by selecting the text and pressing Shift+Ctrl+C
Step 4. Right click the layer in photoshop and select “Export As”
In inskscape select everything and simply go to file > Save as and click save
Step 5. In photoshop select SVG from the drop down menu and click “Export All”
Now you have your SVG file here’s how to use it in blender:
Step 1. Import the SVG

Step 2. Unless you resized it - it will probably be small, so select it in the scene collection and press S to scale it up

Step 3. Go to “Object data Properties”

Step 4. Reduce the resolution but make sure it still looks good (this reduces the number of tris as the default is too high for studio use). I used 5 in this case but its recommended to go lower if possible.

Step 5. In object mode make sure the text is selected and press Alt+C and select Mesh from curve:

Step 6. you will probably have duplicate vertexes so go into edit mode, select all and press “M” then select “by distance”

Step 7. Add the solidify modifier, you might get weird errors like triangles sticking out - to fix this select “complex” as the mode:

Step 8. Apply the modifier by pressing Ctrl+A, then in object mode go to “object” > shade “smooth”

Step 9. In “Object data properties” under “normals” tick the “auto smooth” box and set the amount to achieve your desired affect:

You are now done. From here You can clean up the topology using the re mesh modifier and texture your text if you wish, it is absolutely fine to export as is - if you are not texturing it.