3D Layered Clothing is Now Available!

As it turns out, this is what game settings are for! :slightly_smiling_face:



As cool as it would be to have layered clothing for R6 avatars, I believe it’s simply impossible without serious compatibility-breaking implications due to how R6 is built. R6 uses meshes that are not physically simulated, and layered clothing requires that to properly fit the clothes to the avatar’s body shape. Rthro bundles are already mangled enough when used with R6 due to the lack of automatic scaling and I can’t imagine that layered clothing would produce any better results. Roblox has stated several times that R6 is here to stay, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it will be compatible with tech that functions more efficiently with R15.

And contrary to popular belief, R6 is not deprecated. It’s more of a legacy feature at this point.


Does that mean you will have more people in the UGC program? I have experience in Blender, and would also like to participate in making UGC content - I have made some for my experiences, and right now with my team we are working on 3D clothing as well


Can people not in UGC be able to upload layered clothing? If not, When or how will normal people be able to apply to make layered clothing?

Also what does this mean for 2D clothing?


Tried making a basic long sleeve t-shirt with no texture and import it but the accessory won’t fit around the avatar
The accessory follows the animations and movement of the avatar tho. (this is Equipping Without an Asset ID method:

Anyone know why this is happening?


I have some questions
which is the best way to put together all the textures?

Because I make sets like this but the Roblox custom avatar plugin is not detecting them and I have to insert them manually

Is too bad to have error with the number of vertices when i make the outer cage?

This is the result i got


The fbx file makes a mess out of the shader material if there is more than 1 image map attached. Roblox does not know what to do with them.

Simply remove everything but the color map, and you will see color at import. Then as you did, rebuild the PBR inside Roblox.

It is not clear from the instructions why they want specific naming conventions on textures. This has not been needed before. Perhaps for the patently inaccurate moderation robot?

This is weird…


Thanks, maybe its an update that will come. But still a little weid that needs to have a name and even the examples doesnt includes the MET, NOR and the _RGH

thank you too much


I filed a bug report regarding layered clothing getting desync’d : Layered clothing gets de-sync'd from avatar rig when in ragdoll state


Even though layered clothing is still a new feature (that may present some bugs), I can already tell this is going to be really useful in the future!

Hope we get more quality content like this soon!


But who said it’d disappear? It’ll still be possible to replicate.


YES LETS GOO i’m going to corner the layered clothing market with a simple but drippy clothes.
They’ll be very cheap so loads of people buy it. The bestselling items are the cheap ones.
This update is revolutionary! Though I fear it may get a bit freaky.


Not trying to be pushy or anything lol, just curious, when will this be on the catalog and avatar customizer?


it may sound great idea but this bug is still around

BODY just clipped through 3D clothing and i don’t know why but there’s still no way to shrink the clothing fit or expanding it

whenever i zoomed in, the arm looks like it was bombed up

plus this is painful

Previous update was working fine and i don’t see any problem but till i see this
hopefully it’s fixed


fancy,also do we need to create the innner side of the cloth?


Bout to make 3D goku drip clothing


Excuse me, While in blog, ROBLOX said " We roll out over several months." But in this forum. It says they going to release in few weeks, Is blog true or this devforum?

note: do not use me as a viable source I could be wrong this is just my assumptions.

I presume they are talking about full release such as releasing 3D Clothing into the Catalog.

And for this, they are talking about developer release. It won’t be in the catalog but people can create clothing or anything that deforms in-game without uploading it as an actual asset.

I assume they are doing this so people can learn new methods of creating clothing. Basically, since 3D clothing creation is going to be under UGC for a while they want developers to prepare and get clothing together to release.

I’m sure they will release a creator application to make clothing a little while before the full drop of 3D clothing in the catalog.


Reject modernism, return to blocc


Most, if not all military groups on Roblox use R6. Not to mention that certain gun systems used do not support R15. R6 allows military groups to have a uniform appearance off the bat, instead of creating your own animations (which not everyone knows how to do).