Yeah. There’s alot right now, is this a bug? Or a leak for the upcoming LC?
Assuming it was updated 4 days ago and its onsale except you can’t purchase them due to it “technically” not being an actual clothing type just yet I presume roblox is preparing for the marketplace launch of LC fairly soon.
Some people do have it. I saw a few people with it
I’d assume those were roblox administrators or selected people to participate in a testing of it.
This looks really cool, and you’re pretty thoughtful for adding the Face Animations in there too!
You forgot to capitalise the s in Right Shoes.
Things clipping everywhere, textures being really streched out and shoes are looking very weird.

Im not happy that the base clothes were tailored for RHTO especially avatars, when they look like absolute dogwater on a body type that a big part of roblox community uses. Almost as if Roblox themselfes forgot about 1.0 entirely.
Can’t we have clothes that are tailored towards more blocky bodies like this?
That’s exactly what I’m saying, they don’t like adding support for blocky avatars. When you look at the side of the blocky characters, it’s so wide and unrealistic.
2D Clothing
3D Clothing
Exactly, I really want to have 3d clothing but at this time I think I’ll just say “No, thanks” to something that just doesn’t look right.
Roblox doesn’t care about Robloxian 1.0 package and what the community feels and says about it (Including TONS of feedback which should be taken into consideration!)
Robloxian 1.0 still has those forsaken segments and sharp bevels when using R15 (It is not mesh-skinned yet for some unknown reason, yet dogu15 does the job how it should have been done, which was created by a community member)
It’s funny when the community does the job better than a multi-billionare corporation.
I don’t think roblox will be making clothing directly for the Blocky style of R15 although it does support it, If they have UGC Creators for clothing I’m pretty sure those creators will create us some pretty good clothing styles for those types of clothing
very good, could make new clothing ideas and new games for clothing.
The moment everyone waited for is finally here!
Bruh, why did you bring the LGBTQ+ community into this? What? We don’t want anything to do with some petty roblox argument lol
He’s trying to say that how come he gets canceled or come at for while there’s people with countless genders?
He’s trying to reach out the point that people need to accept change, roblox is going to be changing and never is going to be the same game from 2006 or 2016.
Everyone has the rights to voice their opinions, thoughts and criticism. But if you’re going to go for him for something as little as that then you’re just proving his point.
I’ve been having some trouble with making layered clothing. You should make a tutorial. I bet it would do well (and also it would help me)
Where Find 3D Clothing? in my catalog there is not ):
Recently updated by roblox, In the avatar shop.