3D Minimap Creator - Minimaps made easy

Hi, when I init this module this will crashing roblox studio and roblox player on testing, in Landscape fodler contains only BasePlate part

local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local MapModule = require(ReplicatedStorage.MinimapHandler)

local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local Player = Players.LocalPlayer

repeat task.wait() until Player.Character

local Character = Player.Character
local MapFolder = workspace:WaitForChild("Landscape")
local Viewport = script.Parent

local Minimap = MapModule.new(Viewport, Vector3.new(0, 380, 0), MapFolder)
Minimap.Flatten = true
local parts = Minimap:Refresh()

Also your tempaltes in top not working on test and also crashing if I start play in studio :frowning:

If itā€™s crashing then I believe its an issue with roblox or your computer as the module isnā€™t really doing enough to cause a crash.
I just tested it out and it works fine for me.
Iā€™ve never crashed or heard of any crashes from this before either.

Here is latest version saved and published?

Yes I tried it on that map.
I just fixed an issue because I realized one of the maps had the script disabled so it was just blank, but the module didnā€™t change.
You said you are crashing in the roblox player too?

Fixed crashes and this errors by deleting --!native string

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If I remember correctly, native isnā€™t supported on all computers right now, which may be what is causing this. I may be wrong though.

Where do I need to place the Module?

Anywhere you want

I canā€™t seem to get it to work. How do I set it up?

Iā€™d suggest copying stuff from the template, it shows how to set it up.
If you still have issues lmk

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