There is a setting that hides all of the obstructed parts (HideObstructed) which is useful for reducing part counts. In testing it lowered like 50k parts to around 4k.
And once client-sided unions are supported, I’ll be using those too.
Anyways, thanks!
I have a quick question about the module, relating to parts to be ignored.
Say the map in the folder has parts like a roof that would obstruct the map normally. Would the only solution/workaround be to place parts that should be ignored outside the folder or is there some kind of function that I’m missing that can ignore such parts?
Hide tags only apply when the map is loaded initially so it won’t affect the parts because they’ve already been loaded.
I suggest storing the original transparency in an attribute or numbervalue and then make the part fully transparent if it doesn’t meet the requirements.
Is there a tutorial for caching things because I want to use this on a huge map and I was hoping to avoid making multiple places. Don’t really know what the performance impact of this minimap is yet (not exactly sure how to calculate that either have to read up on it).
I fixed the timeout errors that you were experiencing, they shouldn’t happen anymore. It seems to have had something to do with you loading in too slow, causing the module to take too long and time out?
I also added some small performance improvements and fixed a issues I noticed.
The fixes are just cleaning up some code that didn’t need to exist.