3D modeling software?

Ok that seemed to work, I’m dumb.

Alright, installing the drivers from here should work https://www.geforce.com/drivers/results/82758

If for whatever reason you or anyone else browsing this thread is still unable to launch blender 2.8, you can attempt launching 2.79a or below. The UI will be different from 2.8, but it runs better since 2.8 uses the new eevee realtime render engine.

Steam allows you to easily change program versions. This can be achieved by:

  1. Right clicking Blender in the SOFTWARE tab in the Steam program.

  2. Select the Properties option.

  3. Open the Betas tab.

  4. Select the beta you would like to opt into. I personally use the 2.79a, as 2.8 still needs to be polished a bit more.

If you’re looking to get into rendering, 2.8’s realtime eevee engine is going to be essential for your experience, so if it is a matter of your OS being truly unable to handle Blender, consider saving up for a new setup. You can get a rather decent prebuilt laptop that can hold up pretty well for a couple hundred bucks.

Good luck!