3D Particle System

Hello DevForum,

Yesterday i made a module that allows you to spawn 3D Particle systems in your game.
Here i have a short preview of the creation: Preview (Youtube)

My question to you guys is, do you like it (and or) have any sugestions for it?

Greatings from Michel2003g


It looks really cool, and definitely reminds me of older games, but it also looks very sleek and modern at the same time!

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Looks good, we still definitely need a proper roblox implementation with optimizations.


i agree it would be nice if roblox would implement this, But honestly the performence ain’t that bad. If you render them on the client side. wich can easily be done with the module.

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Here is another showcase of the module, Changing parameters based on the music playback


This is a very cool module, Roblox should definitely add official support for 3D particles.

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Very cool module! We are getting closer to unity’s particle system everyday :smile:

Will there be a way to add gravity to the particles?


I currently did add a “Acceleration” parameter wich could be used for gravity but as of now the increase isnt gradually so it tempers with the direction and spread.

long story short: yes, but not yet

Honestly, this looks great. Maybe now we can cheese our way with fake ‘volumetric clouds’. I used an emitter for mine, but it flickers a lot haha.

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i have some great news,

I just released it!

If you go to my profile there should be a Plugin called “Particle plugin” if you install it and allow the script injection. 3 scripts will appear. 2 of them to activate particle emmiters in your world. 1 is the actual module. only in a module pack im working on.

anyway, if you open the plugin with the button in the plugins tab a widget will open. select a basepart or attachment and click the create button this will add the needed things for the system to work.

a documentation will follow soon!
but maby you can figure the works out before that

Link: ParticlePlugin - Roblox


Holy crap. That’s amazing. Wasn’t expecting that I just saw.

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You should post this in #resources


Weirdly enough, I also started development on a 3D particle system yesterday! Looks great, I’ll definitely take some inspiration hehe…