3D Printed Roblox Avatars Feedback [Have your avatar printed?]

Having come to Roblox from 3d printing, I like this! As you hone your printing skills this will get a lot easier. The hardest part is dealing with manifolds (surfaces inside surfaces). The 3D printer prints them anyway, and the print tends to fall apart when you pull it off the baseplate.

One of my better original prints. It failed many times before I learned about manifolds. Roblox avatars sounds like a fun project.


Very true, I was younger and trying to 3D print the base of a RC robot (which I never finished).

Ouch. :grimacing:

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Wow, that’s awesome! :+1:

I’m not gonna ask you to print my avatar - I’m sure you’re already overwhelmed with the number of responses.

Please don’t overwork yourself or use up more material than you have to. Nobody should be mad if you decide not to print their avatar.


very cool and quite sus!! i don’t know why i didn’t think of this lol. what do you plan on doing next?? painting them??

Thank you for the understanding reply, also, I’ll consider everyone who replies here even if you don’t ask since I’ll just choose the avatar(s) that catch my eye.


Yep, although I want to figure out how to print separate pieces which will make painting a lot easier.

tag me when you finish one!! i’d really like to see it.

Really Nice, Can you print my avatar, please.
I would like to do 4 Inch Posing Figure
My name is: AndyJrCountyWood465

Bookmarked! I’m excited to see some creations here.

If you have free time, here’s my .obj file:
CheeseGod.obj (811.9 KB)

I’ve always wanted a 3D printer. Jealous…


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Ah, okay! Here’s my avatar then:


@IceTheOneAndOnly I liked your avatar and chose it for the next print. It will be a 3 inch figurine and should be completed by tomorrow.


U cant print my current character as it is complex. King of bacons is always the king

Nice looks good! My username is ItsBasicallyDenis if you ever decide to do one lol

Why dont u make a small platform with username instead of supports. It would look cool actually. And u dont need to worry about falling parts. Try to make a bloxxy award trophy and roblox gears.

That’s not really how it works. Supports are like scaffolding that are supposed to break off the filament that it’s holding off. Building a platform would adhere to the object and it would be hard to remove. Also, platforms don’t solve falling parts.

Thinking about making an F3x cube with different colored sides.

Cool can you print mine? I wonder how the printer handles skinny objects like someone’s antlers or a frenemy
username: Poliwaggaming

I’m loving this! It’s amazing of how you could turn a Virtual 3D Character, into a real life model without having issues.

I would love my avatar to be 3D Printed, it’s amazing!

@IceTheOneAndOnly An attempt at printing you avatar.
There are a lot of supports that I couldn’t remove so it doesn’t look that good. Once I figure out how to split and assemble separate pieces it should be a breeze.

@tacticallysrupid you asked me to tag you so here ya go


How you expected 2020 to be:

How it was actually:

Besides the jokes, this is really cool! Good job! It looks just like him :grin:.


Do mine, please! :smile: