As a follow up to this:
I’ve made a simpler version of it that I can make open source!
This 3D printer is a Cartesian 3D printer and uses PrismaticConstraints (as the above one also does). It also has a mode to run anchored, in which it will complete objects instantly.
Now, why would you do this? I don’t know, it just looks cool.
And you can’t imagine how realistic the destruction would be if it were unanchored.
I myself have a Voron Zero and one of those Delta Kossel Mini clone printers. The gcode on both of them work for this one in Roblox. Slic3r and SuperSlicer are software I used to make the gcode.
robloxapp-20230720-1643092.wmv (521.0 KB)
There are some problems with it currently that you should be aware of:
If the Gcode has tab spaces in it, the parsing system will not run the command if it is followed by such whitespace. Instead, use Find and Replace to remove the whitespace.
Only supports G0/G1 commands.
Extrusion thickness does not match what the Gcode says. It only detects if it should extrude.
Some Gcode files are so large that Roblox takes a long time to load them in. Wait up to five minutes for it to load.
Does not support relative movement (yet).
In SuperSlicer, there is some Gcode that you must remove. It looks like this:
; object:{"name":"R6_character","id":"R6_character.obj id:0 copy 0","object_center":[60.000000,60.000000,0.000000],"boundingbox_center":[60.000000,60.000000,25.500050],"boundingbox_size":[40.000000,11.960001,51.000099]}
EXCLUDE_OBJECT_DEFINE NAME=R6_character_obj_id_0_copy_0 CENTER=60.000000,60.000000 POLYGON=[[40.000000,55.660000],[40.640000,55.000000],[59.460000,54.020000],[60.520000,54.020000],[79.340000,55.000000],[80.000000,55.660000],[80.000000,64.360000],[79.340000,65.000000],[60.520000,65.980004],[59.460000,65.980004],[40.640000,65.000000],[40.000000,64.360000],[40.000000,55.660000]]
; plater:{"center":[60.000000,60.000000,0.000000],"boundingbox_center":[60.000000,60.000000,25.500050],"boundingbox_size":[40.000000,11.960001,51.000099]}
This is because it has brackets in the gcode. Double brackets are the best way to format it in the file.
Here are some example files you can try
Note: these have tab spaces in them which you need to remove.
dumpster.txt (3.0 MB)
clothrender.txt (9.6 MB) (might not work because of how big it is, try appending small amounts at a time)
truck2.txt (2.6 MB)
[a]_guidler_ab.txt (2.2 MB)
I might add more later.
Anyways, I hope you guys have a use case for this resource as this is sort of a proof of concept. Who knows, maybe someone could even make this into a plugin.
I present the resource itself as a RBXL file:
3d printer.rbxl (279.3 KB)
Edit the gcode file here: