Hello Im looking for any guides or pointers to where script a control system for movement and rotation on all axis, I don’t know much scripting so I came here.
Physics based movement that uses body movers to utilize allowing the player to have achieve realistic movement in 0Gs. For example “SAFER” system that NASA has developed allowing for 3D range of control in space along with rotation.
---------------- I’m trying to script body movers to rotate and move an object in 0G as a tool ----------------------
Pretty vague request, so I’ll ask more questions related to this part:
What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear!
You should include if you are looking for a physics-based with BodyMovers or non-physics based solution using CFrames. Also, a context to what specific objective you want to achieve would be nice.
Well, you can use AngularVelocity to apply a force on the player similar to how IRL they use a jet thruster to apply torque. Just remember the righthand curl rule to know the direction in how torque is applied relative to an axis
Ok rotation, Which body mover is moving? Gonna use keys so when w is pressed player’s local Z axis gains a constant +1 until key is lifted then 0 when key is lifted
Any force applied by the body movers should be realistically carried out by the 0G settings so if I add 3 to the x axis it should keep moving in that direction for ever because there is no gravity effecting the motion
you are correct, as long as we have constant acceleration from a body mover we are fine. A extension is making your own customer body mover by multiplying the predicted position by a delta time. you simply make it when its falling state is true to play teh animation you want
Not constant from the mover, Mover adds 1 to the x axis of the player’s local movement the net force of the player is one until changed elsewise because of 0G no other forces have changed the force of the player. Trying to get a simple observable simulation of space force eye candy.
Im making NASA SAFER jetpack system so player can move in 0g, I can simply do this by rotational body mover and a force “exerter” --but idk how roblox body movers work-- (Im answering myself )