3DCursor Plugin [v1.1.5]


What does it do?

If you are unfamiliar with what a 3D cursor is, the best way I can explain it, is that it is a saved position where you can move parts, unions, and models to.

How can I use it?

To start using the 3D Cursor, you need to press the `3D Cursor` button; from there, you can use the context menu using the key-bind `Shift+F`.

Context Menu

To open the context menu, press `Shift+F` to select one of the options just let go of `Shift+F`.

Tutorial Videos

Cursor To Selection

This will bring the 3D cursor to whatever* you have selected. See Limitations*

Selection To Cursor (Keep Offset)

If you have selected multiple objects, all objects will be moved to the 3D cursor keeping their original distance away from the middle of the selection.


Selection To Cursor

This will bring all the objects you have selected to the 3D Cursor.

Keeps rotation


Works with changing pivot point


Cursor To World Origin

Brings the cursor to position x = 0, y = 0, z = 0 in case you may lose it.


Pivot To Cursor **NEW**

Pivot To Cursor allows you to move the pivot point of the part to the 3D cursor. There are tons of scenarios where this could be extremely helpful.

Selection To Active **NEW**

Selection To Active takes all the parts in your selection and moves them to the last part that you selected.


  • Currently, you are unable to move attachments with the 3D Cursor.
  • The cursor also does not support rotating your selection to the 3D cursor; your selected objects will still keep their rotation.
  • The cursor position is based on the exact middle; unlike what Roblox uses, they use the bounding box.
  • If you sometimes have the issue of the Context Menu not showing up it could be due to not being in the viewport which is the game screen where you are building. Due to Roblox’s limitations you can only use keybinds when in the viewport

Found a bug?

If you have found any bugs, contact me at (Crushmero / Crushmero#0001) or post a reply. Please include a picture of the error or an image of the bug, preferably with steps for me to reproduce it.

Known bugs

- Roblox sinks some of the number input when using the main numbers on your keyboard
- this results in some menu options not being available using the main numbers,  
- number-pad DOES WORK as Roblox isn't using those for any keybinds.

- Unfortunately I couldn't find a way to make it so that SHIFT+S works as a
- keybind due to Roblox Constraints *Unless I'm missing something* but I
- I would have to override studio movement, *S* is the backwards key

- There is an issue when focusing on a text box in the Color Picker menu, and 
- dragging across to the wheel, it will lock the mouse to the wheel, the trade off
- for fixing this would be to remove the ability to move the mouse past the
- extents of the circle, or the widget itself.


Version History
+ Changed the key-bind of activating the 3D Cursor to Shift + F, 
+ this is because of the new Dragger QoL update from Roblox

Dragger QoL Improvements Enabled by Default

- Removed 1 - 6 buttons, it was causing studio to crash
+++ Created a fix for two people in team create using the same cursor causing clashing of cursors, it ends up deleting the other persons cursor.
+++ Found out I forgot to change the keycode for Cursor To Selection, should work now
+ Added numbered hotkeys finally!!!
+++ Changed the menu animation. 
--- Refactored a boat load of code
+ Added limits to the context menu, no more off screen menus I hope!
+ 3D Cursor can now be moved manually, by using it's attachment
+++ Updated loops to use generalized iteration.
+ Added option to move pivot point of selected parts to the cursor.
+ Added option to move all parts selected to the last part selected.
+++ Made color wheel able to changed outside of its frame, and anywhere on the screen.
+ Fixed a bug with Selection To Cursor Offset.
--- Loads of code reforming
```diff +++ Fixed an issue with tertiary colors in the context menu causing the context menu to not show up and cause an error which makes the context menu unusable.
  • Added a hot-fix so that if there are duplicate cursors or cursor information in either CoreGui or Terrain, they will be deleted the next time the cursor button is pressed.
+Fixed a memory leak with the settings, some events weren't being destroyed/disconnected after an object was being destroyed.

+Fixed the RGB cap, there was no check for if the value surpassed 255
+++ Fixed an issue regarding looking for the Camera, it was looking for the 
+++ name Camera rather then the type Camera, also it now looks for the Camera 
+++ on demand in case someone decides to delete the Camera to fix it.

Totally forgot about light mode users, I’m so sorry ): please forgive me, thank you @wrello for notifying me about it.

+++ Changed the icons to a similar neutral color like Roblox.
+Initial release

Special Thanks

@qut100 - Helped me with some pivot stuff.
@PasantoThrime - Helped me a lot with finding bugs.


Wow, I’ve been trying to look for something like this since I started Building and Modeling. I’m surprised this is free, lol.

1 Like

Oh my god, thank you, huge time saver :ok_hand:


Amazing resource, thank you for making it!


Hi there! Thank you for installing my plugin.

The issue you are experiencing is due to you having a Tool also named Camera in your Workspace, I have updated the plugin to only search for the “Camera” type on demand to remediate this issue.

Thank you for bringing this to me!


This happens after I update color settings.


I actually don’t know how you managed to do that one. I suspect it was due to a memory leak that I found. In any case, it managed to corrupt your saved colors. The way you can fix it is by clicking the Reset to Default button in the settings. I’ve updated it to fix the memory leak, hopefully it solves the issue from happening again.


this is the best plugin i’ve ever seen in my life time, far better than anything @GloryToTheSunGod ever made


Ah I may have found it, I wasn’t doing a check for RGB values to see if they are larger 255, that was my bad I thought I had that check. Thank you again for notifying me about this!


This is LITERALLY saving my life


This is a great plugin, nice resource.


This plugin is pretty awesome, and very useful.


This plugin is so helpful that im thinking of donating all my money to the owner.


best plugin ive ever seen never found a better one


1 star i hate how i have to click windows ctrl shift b just to open the curser menu

anyways its a pretty good plugin - for a blender dude

1 Like
--Hey guys, I just wanted to let everyone know that on October 5th the plugin was 
--made unusable starting update 597 on studio, this would cause studio to crash 
--after using the context menu, it would attempt to unbind the 1-6 keys but would do 
--it infinitely until it attempted to access memory outside of Roblox Studio and 
--crash, I narrowed it down to the unbinding part of those buttons, but the issue is 
--if I can't unbind them I am no longer able to bind them in the first place. So
--unfortunately for now, bindings for the 1-6 keys will be removed in the context 
--menu, sorry guys.

TL;DR [For Normal People] Roblox broke my code for the 1-6 buttons the context menu

TL;DR [For Programmers] Roblox broke something with ContextActionServices Unbind code and it broke the 1-6 buttons in the context menu

I wish I had better news for you guys like an update, but here we are.


1 Like

Yoooooo super cool! Im used to doing that in blender and autodesk: inventor, so this’ll help a lot.


Roblox broke the plugin again ):

For the second time. Unfortunately due to the new Dragger QoL update
I had to switch the keybind from SHIFT + C to SHIFT + F this is now reflected in the imagery and the post I’ve made, I wish I could use SHIFT + S like how blender uses it but I am unable to, due to S being used for moving backwards, and I feel like that would get annoying.

Hopefully users will see this in the settings menu :sob: or in the updated imagery, I really need to have an announcement thing in the plugin to talk about this kind of stuff, but I wanted to get it working ASAP for now.

Reason for using SHIFT + F over SHIFT + Z

The reason I chose F over Z is because the resting place of your fingers are closer to WASD, which allows you to move around better, using Z makes that rather inconvenient.

I should mention I have an update in the future to make a crazy useful feature that hopefully will help everyone with maneuvering meshes removing a lot of the guess work.

TL;DR it’s fixed new keybind is SHIFT + F