40% seller's comission is withheld from groups that own both the ugc as well as the experience that sells it

Currently, if you publish a ugc under your group and sell it through your experience, the 40% seller’s fee does not show up in your experience’s monetization analytics.

Brand building is super important for the long term health of our work. Our motivation is to build credibility of my group’s name by publishing a great game/experience, then leverage that credibility into other areas. The hope is that if players enjoy the experience that we built, and they see that the same group has ugc for sale, they might be more inclined to purchase them, or they might want to support our work with the ugc purchase.

In Roblox currently, this is punished by having the 40% seller’s fee taken away from you. You might have dedicated precious real estate in your experience to sell your ugc. You might have created additional benefits for ownership of those ugc in your experience. It doesn’t matter, Roblox takes the seller’s fee even if you did the majority of the work of salesmanship.

In this thread, New Commission 'Rules' For In-Game UGC Sales Are Detrimental To Public Groups - #10 by givenothingback
to the credit of Roblox staff @givenothingback, they said it wasn’t intended and this would be rolled back. Quote from them below:

What we didn’t intend was that this change also affected legitimate groups that are being used both for development and as a fan space. We DO want creators to monetize through commission payouts, so huge thanks for flagging this issue. We have rolled back the change as of yesterday.

However, to this date, this policy is still not rolled back and is actively harming developers that use the same group as a development group as well as a fan group.

  1. Not only a significant sum of real dollars are being withheld from us, but also…
  2. Because the sales are ignored by the monetization metrics of the experience, this adversely affects discovery of the experience as the real data of monetization are not fed into the algorithm.

p.s. there is a separate issue of both the group sales spreadsheet as well as the creator hub ugc avatar sales metrics showing that you are actually getting the 40% seller’s fee in this instance, conflicting with what is being shown in the experience monetization metrics, but I have been assured by developer relations those numbers are incorrect. Regardless, my view is that we need to first resolve this issue before getting to the reporting bugs

A private message is associated with this bug report


Thanks for the report! We’ll investigate.