[$400+ USD] I'm looking for some new recruits to my dev team!

Hello! I’m 23 y/o and as I’ve recently acquired stimulus, I am ready to pay handsomely for YOUR services to create a front page asset.

I’m looking for advanced scripters and builders one or two of each.
I pay upfront in full, contingent on contract.

Please send your applications to SilencedArchangel#7915 on Discord.
Contact me here, or Acupla on ROBLOX>


I could do it. Contact me here

What type of assets are you looking for exactly?

I have a broken FPS Engine that I need fixed. Its very complex and I don’t understand all of it

Yeah, I could do GFX if you wanted or building @acupla

DM me on discord (Dream#8591), I would like to know more about this FPS Engine that you need fixed. One more thing, if you are paying upfront, what payment method are you using and how will this contract work?

I have the same question! haha

Hey! I’m extremely interested! I’ve sent you a friend request on discord: FearForte#6647

Professional Builder.

Added you.

Hello! I’m interested. HEres my work: [OPEN] DisturbedSinox | Builder

Hello! I could script for you! What needs to be scripted?

Hooyah!, Im interested im builder


I have sent you a friend request on Discord, due to my interest!

My Discord username is 𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐬𝐨𝐫#0437.

I sended you a friend request on discord. Can you please accept it. So I can message you. I am a programmer.

Do you need a GFX artist, reply down below.

@acupla, I am an moderately advanced scripter, I would like to help.
Edit: I sent a discord friend request: The Overseer#0001

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