401 Error with Open Cloud

  1. What do you want to achieve? I want to publish my game through a place file using Python’s requests library.

  2. What is the issue? I am getting 401 errors whenever I try to publish. (401 means Not Authorized)

  3. What solutions have you tried so far? I’ve searched everywhere, and haven’t found anything to help.

Here's my Python code
import requests

gameId = 3677080772

placeId = 9975496142

apiKey = "removed"

fullURL = "https://apis.roblox.com/universes/v1/" + str(gameId) + "/places/" + str(placeId) + "/versions?versionType=Published"

headers = {'x-api-key': apiKey, 'Content-Type': 'application/octet-stream'}

data = "C:/Users/derpe/Downloads/Baseplate.rbxl"

x = requests.post(fullURL, data, headers, verify=True)


And here’s my Configuration page: (bottom showing just to prove that key is updated and all IPs can access)

Thanks for any help!

Well those are invalid IP addresses that you’ve whitelisted, you need to whitelist your own IP addresses.

I changed this because I thought I had my IP wrong, was getting 2 results, put both in, got same result.

From the Open Cloud DevHub page:

Silly question, but are you actually putting in your api key?

Yes, I’m putting in my API key (Removed it for uploading)