[40K R$+] Hiring a Modeler for Pet Models


Hello, I am Noxyra, the owner of the game Weaponcraft. I am currently looking for a Modeler to create me some pet eggs, pets, and a few other pet models for my game.

What I need.

I will be needing at least 10-15 pet models. These pet’s will need to be MEDIUM POLY. Not extremely detailed but also not something low poly such as the type of pet’s you would see in simulators. I will provide a reference image for each pet. I will be needing a matching egg for each pet as well as some food models and possibly some other things. Everything will need to be completed within 1 MONTH.


I am willing to pay 2,500 R$ - 4,000 R$ PER PET,

500 - 1,000 R$ PER EGG,

and 500 R$ - 1,000 R$ PER MISC. MODEL (EX. FOOD).


Message me on Discord at noxyra#8366 to discuss further, thanks!

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What pets do you want us to make?

Hey, I seem interested. Here’s my portfolio, we can discuss further on Discord: DevFrags#2441

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