Card images are from an open-source Google Code Archive (can’t link since it is not an allowed 3rd party website to link on the DevForum, but you can search for it).
Big thanks to @Fufu1337 for testing and finding bugs. It was difficult managing to play through a 4 player game as one person, so the extra help really accelerated development.
The wood background is from free models. At some point I plan to find some nicer backgrounds but it remains as a stand-in.
Game is fully programmed by me. At some point I’ll look into implementing a nice UI design. I just needed a bare-bones UI to kickstart and have the game up and running as fast as possible (started Jan. 1st)
Game link: 41 [Card Game] - Roblox
41 is a trick-taking game like Spades and Bridge, if you are familiar with those. It requires 4 players in teams of 2 with teammates sitting across from one another. It is more commonly known as “400” in the Middle East where it is commonly played (you can read the Wikipedia article if you want to delve into it).
A standard 52-card deck is used. At the start of each round, the deck is shuffled by the dealer. The player left of the dealer may choose to cut the deck or leave it as-is. Each player receives a hand of 13 cards. It is normally dealt as 1-1-1-1-3-3-3-… going counterclockwise, starting from the right of the dealer, until the entire deck is dealt.
The ace has the highest priority, followed by the king and down. Trump is always hearts.
After the cards are dealt, each player makes a bid, starting from the right of the dealer and going counterclockwise. The bid is your estimate of how many tricks you can make with your hand alone; your partner cannot take tricks for you.
The bid total of all the players must be at least 11. If this requirement is not met, the round becomes void and a new round starts, with the dealer order going counterclockwise. Example: if each player bids 2, then the bid total is 8, which is less than 11; therefore the round is void. If instead, two of those players bid 3 and 4, the total becomes 2 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 11, so the round can be played.
Bidding at 7 to 13 tricks doubles the point gain, but if a player fails to make their bid then they also lose double.
The player to the right of the dealer starts, and is allowed to play any card. The play goes counterclockwise, and all other players must follow suit. If a player can’t follow suit, they have two options:
- sluff, which is playing a card that is not hearts
- trump, which is playing a card that is hearts
The trump suit will always be hearts. Keep this in mind in the bidding phase when counting tricks.
The highest value card wins the trick, and the player who won the trick starts the next turn. The previously played cards are discarded next to the player who won the trick, but no longer serve any purpose other than counting tricks at the end of the round.
The first player to 41 wins if their partner is at least 0 points. If a partner is in the negative, the opposing team can still win (assuming they are also both above 0). In the event of two players reaching 41 or higher, the higher final score wins (i.e., 42 has priority over 41). In the event of a tie, the total score required to win is 51, and continues to increase by 10 in the event of more ties (yes, this happens).
There are many variations of the game, this just happens to be the one that I play. This specific variation doesn’t exist online as far as I know, but there are other variations you can find on other platforms.