[5-10k R$ or $25-$35 USD] HIRING GFX ARTIST!

Hey all, Ted here.

I need two thumbnails, pretty straight forward.
-One thumbnail should be a fighting scene of roman soldiers fighting to protect this guy https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/388368170148429824/513394656642465795/unknown.png
-A second thumbnail of barbarians robbing a bank and running away from the main vault, killing roman soldiers as they run out.

Here are the clothing assets
TGA Clothing

Legion Soldier’s Clothing
Low Ranks


It is for my group’s main game, this is the link to it: Roman Germania [SALE] - Roblox

I can pay around 5,000 to 10,000 R$ or I can pay in USD, around $25-$35 depending on the quality of the thumbnail.

If interested, dm me on discord: Ted#3573
(My settings are set up to friends only, so you have to add me in order to message me).

Added on Discord.

i only do 2d art but it’s still good to ask

Hey there! Some great GFX arisits for that price range would be zombieripper99, Jev, i5K and for about $100 usd @IDontHaveAUse. These are all great GFX artists maybe check them out.

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