[5,000 R$] Voice Actor Wanted! [CLOSED.]

SCP Foundation
Voice Actor Wanted

About Me

Hello, I am the owner of an SCP Foundation with currently over 13,000 members. We’re currently working on a new SCP Roleplay game which will give a new twist to the genre.

About the Job

We are currently looking for a voice actor with a deep voice.
The job is really simple, all it takes is to say a few sentences. A good microphone is required as we do not want any strange noises in the background.

We highly prefer hiring individuals with a deep, American voice.


We can pay up to 5,000 ROBUX for just a few sentences.


You may contact me via Discord if you seem to be interested, it’s more likely for me to respond from there.



Still looking for one, for those who are interested.

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