So… O am looking for a dev partner, who is friendly, and doesn’t care about making profits, and quitting when it’s done, but being friendly, helping make a game, and if that doesn’t go well, a new game.
I would like my new dev partner to able to script, basic cartoon building, and any other skills would be amazing!
About Me
My name is Eren, I am 13 and I love creating things on Roblox Studio!
I am really inspired by many of the games on the front page and want to make one of my own.
What I need for you to be my dev partner
I can let some of these slide, but I basically want my new partner to exceed these requirements.
- Over 13
- Can Script
- Can build
- Is friendly
I really don’t care how much experience you have.
First Game Idea
I want to make a game called ‘It’s Your Life’. You will be able to work, trade pets, customise houses, have parties, go to school, be apart of a family and more!
I would like my dev partner to be able to learn how to make a house interior placing system, with load and save, as my main condition.
Even if you can’t do it right now, we could learn together.
Fine I had to say it… payment…
I would like my dev partner to receive 50% of the game’s earnings for as long as we are tied under a contract.
You can find me on discord at callmehSpear#9495
Thanks for reading and I hope we can be partners!