[50k + / 100USD + ] Dinosaur tycoon main scripter needed (Also can get % of game.)

About Us

Hello there! Name’s Prav, thank you for taking some time to read this.
We are a group of 3, we’re currently working on a Dinosaur Tycoon game with a huge potential. We have quite a lot done so far and we’re all aiming to become a very big development team.

About The Job

We are looking for a professional scripter to become the main scripter of this game. This is not a short commissions work, instead it would more be classed as a long term project as we would also possibly offer you a percentage depending on your work efficiency etc.

-Animated dinosaurs - Walk around, eat, sit, roar, idle. Randomly. Eat is triggered when feeding event happens. (We already have an animator/rigger, so you don’t need to make, just use IDs)

-Feed event, basically when someone triggers the feed event, a helicopter brings over food to that enclosure, the dinos path find to the food, eat and it it added to the dino’s feed count to growth.

-Growth system that works with feeding, so basically every dinosaur would take a certain amount of feedings to grow.

-Main PC on enclosures. Basically every enclosure will have a main PC that controls stuff in that enclosure. – Feeding, lights, door, info on dino, buy dinos, mutation stats, random stats. Etc. ((everything will be explained more in depth privately.

-Mutations, basically in order to make the players feel somehow unique and not like everyone has the same park, there will be possibilities of mutations in Dinos based off stages in their life, example – Dino growing from Juvenile to Adult can grow a mutation. ((So When you’re scripting it won’t just be to increase the model size, instead an entirely new model would spawn it as the old one gets deleted.))

-Some vehicles need to be scripted too. (Minor stuff.)

All of this is just a basic explanation and we have examples and better explanations ready for you once you get in contact with us.


For the project, we’re willing to pay up to 50k R$ possibly more too or we can also offer 100 USD, possibly more. Would even offer a percentage of the game. We might also offer you a percentage of the game’s profit.


  • No commitment issues. (We have had our time wasted many times… If you have commitment issues where you’d burn out and quit half way done, PLEASE don’t contact us… Thanks.)
  • Must be motivated and committed to the game, as well as suggest ideas of your own to change it or make it somewhat better. ((Be creative, show interest))
  • Must be 15 or older.
  • You’d be the only person working on those things, we have another scripter who is working on other stuff. So you’d be required to be able to do everything. (They can assist you when they finish.)
  • Regular availability. As well as constant communications daily on progress.
  • Must have a portfolio or atleast some work to show.

Contact Us

Once you contact us you’ll be introduced and added to a group chat that explains everything in extreme detail…
You can contact us here on the Developer Forum or via Discord - Prav#0001

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:

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