5th GFX done by me it took long time to edit because my laptop was laggy.
Do not copy guys.
Looks cool! The grass and all looks amazing with the rig, but the sky doesn’t match that well, i find. How about making it a bit lighter? I honestly don’t know. But overall looks pretty good.
Oh Thank you so much and which backgorund would be good for it?
Looks great, honestly better than anything I could do, but, there is a contrast between the sky and the lighting of the character that I thought I should point out.
Real footage of me walking out during a 40 degrees celsius day in Summer
Make the shadow more visible and make the lighting more accurate.
*it is ErrorNik
Also thanks
bruh i dont like that its like orange and my gfx theme idea was cyan. even though you added some saturation and blur its soo weird to look at that orange gfx. its better i will remake my own gfx :))))). thank you
NAH MAN THAT SUCKS NGL its just orange and weird look i wouldnt recommend that.
the sky made the gfx bad i could improve it maybe
The sky is clearly fake, the lighting is poor, the background is empty and the posing is too stiff. Also the grass is too thin.
I recommend trying out a plugin called Graswald to make plants and grass.
bruh ok im just new to gfx i dont know much im just learning so yea ill try to improve on the next gfx.
fix your watermark I can erase it and repaint the background
theses comments tho, wow these comments r too ;-;
Use some real grass also i recc to use an HDRI for these renders. Overall, good effort.
The grass is really dark and the character is really bright. It should be more balanced.
A watermark will prevent theft.
Well There is HDRI used on it, It is a real glass.