6th GFX Design, I am ok with what I have done, I would like to see everyone's feedback about it

My 6th GFX design.


A very good 6th GFX. But I think you can up the contrast and brightness. It looks pretty dark. Also try and make the eyes glow. I don’t know what the thing at the bottom right is.

But overall pretty good.

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Oh Thank you i will try adding eye glow i need to learn more about photoshop to do the editing good.

You can make the eyes glow in blender too. Go into edit mode, select all you eyes, and press P. This will make it it’s own object. Then, make it it’s own material so it doesn’t effect anything else sharing the same material. Then just change it from Principled BSDF to Emission. :+1:

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It’s really good! Keep up the good work!

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Very good for your 6th GFX! Some tips, you can try using brushes with the flow and opacity down and white color to add a lighting “shine” effect on your character. For example, wherever the lighting is hitting your character you can light those parts of the gfx with the brush tool. It also works vice versa for shadows, instead of the white color you can use black/darker color. Nice job!

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oh oki ill do it on my next gfx im new to gfx so yea i will have to learn photoshop editing also its hard.

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Oh thank you so much!

(World Limit :sweat_smile:)

oh oki i will try it on my next gfx to make it good i may rework on this same gfx to make the editing good.

It looks good, if there were things I’d suggest, I’d say bend the limbs more it will make your character feel much more lively, don’t be afraid to overexaggerate the pose as well, a slight glow to the eyes would also be a nice little touch, overall looks very nice!

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Very nice for your 6th GFX, some tips to make it better for future ones:

  • Try making the eyes glow, they look a little flat without glow.
  • Mess around with brightness and contrast.
  • Try out some different poses for different results.
  • Test out rim lighting, there are many tutorials on YouTube that I would definitely recommend you take a look at.

Other than that, very good work, looking forward to seeing more from you! :slight_smile:

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It’s pretty cool but the positioning of the legs aren’t great.

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oh i will work it then. thank you!

Ooo Thank you so much! im gonna make a new gfx very soon and upload :smiley:

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oki sure i will do it on my next gfx im soon working on a new one!

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