737-800 feedback?

I started modelling a while ago and I would love to hear how you think this model is turning out! I haven’t added any details yet, since I’m still trying to get the shape right and to fit in the 10000 triangle limit Roblox enforces on mesh imports.

Anyways here are the screenshots:


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Hey :wave: , that’s shaping up quite good. Are you using references while modelling (e.g. blueprints on different views) ? I can’t tell if you are or not, though I’d start with perfecting the nose, the 737 has a more unique sharper look.

Regarding the triangle count, your model looks like it has high tris, you definitely don’t need to have your cylinder/circle so high in verts when starting with the fuselage. I started a 757-200 a few weeks ago for fun (stopped working on it but got far enough to be happy) and I stuck with 16 or 17 verts on the cylinder for the fuselage and it looks fine. Though I know some people use SubD when doing aircrafts and then retopo it later so if you’re going for that then feel free.

I’m no blender expert, I only started using it properly a few months ago so I probably worded somethings above wrong but you get the idea. I will put some pictures here for reference, it’s quite a basic model and not perfect but that’s what I got out of a low vert cylinder. (could be way better but hey ho)

If you’re just starting out, check out Caze on youtube. Those videos really helped me figure out a technique / method for modelling aircrafts.

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Thank you for the in-depth reply! You really gave me a lot of good sources to check out and amazing guides towards the nose of the 737! Thank you once more!

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Like someone else said the nose is really whats bugging me a bit. Cuz its starting to look like a 787 with a longer nose in some angles so if you fix that i’d reckon its all good!

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