9 Slice GUI flicker on some graphics cards

I’ve had three users so far (my game doesn’t get many) report that their 9 slice GUIs were flickering rapidly.

Maybe it’s due to low VRAM? I’m not sure.
[strike]I was only able to get one of the user’s GPUs[/strike], but I’ll report back with any more that I find:

Nvidia GTX 960m
Nvidia GTX 850m
Nvidia GTX 750m
Nvidia GT 775m

Intel HD Graphics 4000

Also scrollingframes flicker, including the chat gui

Nvidia GTX 850m also suffers from this issue.

I have one of the listed graphics cards and my mouse flickers too, I assume this is a related issue

NVidia GTX 840M as well, I notice it on my laptop. Happened only with scrolling frames beforehand.

By the sounds of things, the issues are related to NVidia mobile GPUs.

I have some kind of NVidia GTX and this is happening to me too.

Never got a nine-slice to work, but scrolling confirmed on NVIDIA GT 775M.

Seems to be nvidia only.

GTX 970 and cant confirm

Not having this issue on a 660ti too, but I’m fairly certain that many people experience this issue with scrolling frames.

For those wondering what it looks like on nvidia M [mobile/laptop] cards

I get the scrolling frame flicker on my Intel HD Graphics 4000.

I think this might be integrated graphics only?

Nope Intel HD integrated graphics 5500 user here, and I’m running fine! Might be a driver issue with Windows 10 (So possibly post your current OS too!).

Nope Intel HD integrated graphics 5500 user here, and I’m running fine! Might be a driver issue with Windows 10 (So possibly post your current OS too!).[/quote]no, the flickering happened on my laptop when I had windows 8.1 as well.

this has been fixed, and should be released a week from tonight

Just NineSlice flickering, or ScrollingFrame flickering too?

ScrollingFrame flickering was caused by the same issue and should also be fixed.

Is this fix in the patch from today? Roblox Studio just updated and I still have the issue from a couple days ago.

Edit: I might as well post my graphics card info.

Edit 2: OK I don’t see the API changes in Studio so I probably don’t have the patch.

On my old computer ScrollingFrames’ scroll button used to flicker (GT 210), but is fine now.