Hi guys! I introduce you to a new Large Language Model (LLM) AI integration library!
Documentation And Tutorials: Welcome to Aqwam’s DataPredict Agent Library! | DataPredict Agent
Custom actions through the use of regular expressions to detect actions inside of LLM-generated messages.
Agents can learn from their environments, and enhance this capability further with deep reinforcement learning from DataPredict and DataPredict Neural.
Agents can have add-on hidden prompts as well as regular hidden prompts for custom personalities and identities.
Agents can have global memories so that agents can remember conversations between the player, the agents, and the rest of the group.
Agents can have local memories so that the agents can remember conversations between the player and the agents.
Agents can have free will.
Agents can sense its environments.
Connect to any number of servers that hosts large language models.
Extremely modular source code for rapid prototyping and easy maintenance.
- Only compatible with “Instruct” models.
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