A-10 Testing - Updates

A-10 Testing Updates

A-10 Testing Game:Fairchild Republic A-10 Thunderbolt II - Roblox

Update 0.1
  • Speed of Sound System: Experience realistic explosions with our new speed of sound system. The farther you are, the longer it takes to hear the explosions! Also added screen shake for explosions that matches the Speed Of Sound System.

  • Enhanced A-10 Sounds: Enjoy updated and more immersive A-10 aircraft sounds.

  • A-10 Functionality Updates: We’ve made changes to the A-10’s functionality for better performance and realism.

  • Realistic Explosion Particles: Witness more realistic explosion particles for a heightened visual experience.

  • Prop Cleanup: Removed unnecessary props to improve performance and aesthetics.

  • And More! Explore various other improvements and tweaks.

  • Minor Improvements: Added minor improvements and tweaks to the A-10 and camera shaking.