A Animation Event and Face editor Tutorial

Hello Gamers!!! Introducing, Head Schema Reference!! We now Allow Face Editor on Roblox Studio, (HSR)Head Schema Reference Is a Body tool But used for Face, This Was Made From Roblox Presents, HSR is Not very Hard but Medium, This is Used to show Face Animations as if your Game is all about Viewing Face Animations Like Angry Expression!

To Find HSR Click this Link :arrow_down:


    1. Click The Link Above
      Using hEads
    1. Scroll down and Click Head Schema Reference
    1. Click the Download button and Click the File
  1. Click avatar and Click Rig Builder

  2. Click animation Editor

  3. Click Face Editor And there it is
    Face Animation
    :warning: Do not make A Face Animation That shows Racism or not related or realistic. :warning:
    :email: A Animation Event is Happening! Type “Done” in the Chat to Enter the Challenge, 1st, 2nd and 3rd get a Medal Image next to there Profile :email:

Thank you Game Creators For Reading!!!

1 Like

very well explained and useful tutorial thanks!

How do you even make a “racist” facial expression? :no_mouth:

Yeah, it’s a simple tutorial that sums up how to download the Heads. Pretty okay.