A basic tutorial on making your game a discord server! [FREE TEMPLATE]

Hewwo! In this Community Tutorial post. I will be explaining why and how to make a
discord server for your roblox game! Before we start its a humble request to point
out spelling errors or any errors I did thank you!

Why To Have A Discord Server?
Discord servers help you interact with your community members! For example you have finished a game in which you put alot of effort and ends up getting 10k+ current players which can be known as a famous roblox game. A single content cant keep your players happy! They will be done for all if they repeat a same action/thing! You will Ofcourse push a update to keep the current players stable. You will do the same procedure for 2-3 months until you run out of ideas! Now the game will receive no updates as the developer which is you dont have any idea. Now the players would simply leave the game and never touch it back ever again as ā€œthe game never gets updated and its dead!ā€. Now how will a discord server help? As I stated above on how you interact with your community members, the interaction helps you and your community members get a friendship type of relation and then when if you run out of ideaā€™s, you can simply ask your players to give you Suggestions! You could get numbers of amount of suggestions for updates! This will cause the game to be updated monthly or weekly and cant be called as a ā€œdead gameā€, As the developer is working actively on their game. This will help you to have stable current players and maybe make your game even more famous!

A discord server doesnt only causes suggestions and interaction with you only! You can create a ** specific channel ** for looking to play for your game! This will help the players to find new friends to play with! This is commonly used in Online FPS Shooter game like Valorant!

Why To Use The Bots Stated Below?
A single person canā€™t actually control a server by themselves 24/7 as a human being needs sleep etc. So like in real life bots are being used, We use bots in discord as well! As they are efficient then real humans and faster!

As everything has advantages and dis-advantages(issues in the following context). This also do! Discord servers when become popular can cause serious threat to to your community! People would try to target a fellow developer/moderator for your game or even you! To compromise your account and mess everything up! If a single invulnerable thing is found. Then your server is completely doomed! If the invulnerability is of inviting a discord bot without administrative permission/rights! Your server will be raided and will spam @everyone ping and will cause your game to have a HEAVY IMPACT on both community and updates! As you will be busy getting the issue fixed, you will miss the weekly updates and a downfall of current players is introduced!

As everything has issue, the issue also has a fix! To prevent such shady stuff stated in the Issues Paragraph, the developers in the discord community have actively worked and have been working on such bots which prevent unknown bots from adding from 3rd party services/users! One of the well known bots used for Anti raid and the best security bot is drum rolls ā€¦ WICK! Wick is a bot developed to prevent any harm to your discord server (credit and a big thanks to the developer/s of wick!) (#notsponsored). I will point on how to use the bot further on! Not only WICK is developed to prevent these shady stuff! There are number of amount of bots developed by the community of discord! But! all are not trust worthy! Some developers are working on shady bots as well which can cause nuke/raid to your server and has just a ** label **of protection! If you didnt understood this correctly then a example is like developers whom develop exploits on roblox! Wick by far is the most trusted one in my opinion!

NOW! FINALLY! Getting started!

To prevent such a lengthy post, I have already made a simple discord server template for you! (Requires no credit!)

Here is the link for it : Discord
The server has starter roles and channels and even permissions set up for you!

What does it consists of?
The template consists of basic roles and eye-catching channels style like big games discord server!

Getting it functional

First we are going to work on adding a feature in which when a message is sent in the suggestion, two reactions gets attached to the message which will include a thunbs up and thumbs down! Before I start! All of the bots used in this tutorial are all verified meaning are safe and check by the officials of discord! For this we will be using the popular bot Dyno! As dyno allows to have these type of custom functions!

Head to https://dyno.gg which is the official website for the bot also a control pannel! On the right top you will see a button ā€œAdd To Serverā€. Click/Tap on it and choose your server and click ā€œContinueā€ then for discord safety it will ask you to do a captcha! After successfully doing the captcha, the bot should be in your server! Now you will redirected do a url some like dyno.gg/account which means you have succesfully added the bot to your server!
Now a long (or a short) list of servers will pop up and will show you the servers which you are in! Find your server with your name and click/tap on it! Now after loading, you will see a window/frame with the title ā€œWelcome! Lets get you setup!ā€ Now in my opinion just click next till the window/frame is no more! Now alot of options type frame would open and find ā€œAuto responderā€! After finding it click/tap on the settings button! Now click at ā€œAdd responseā€. A new frame/window should opo up. Click at ā€œreaction responseā€ and type in the trigger ā€œ{*}ā€! Down beloe the trigger bar, there should be a button with a ā€œ+ā€ button. Click/tap on it and the 2 reaction, thumbs up and thumbs down looking emoji! After that click/tap on ā€œAllowed Channelā€ then find the suggestions channel and simply click on it! After all of this scroll down and you should see a button ā€œAdd Responseā€ and simply click on it. After that you are done! To test head to the server and find the suggestions channel and type a message and twoe reactions will pop on the message you sent!

Great now we are done with setting up the suggestion feature!

As stated above in the fix paragraph we are going to use the wick bot!

Head over to the offical wick botā€™s website which is: https://wickbot.com it will ask you to authorize your account and go ahead and do it! After authorizing you will be redirected to a new web page. Click/tap at a green button ā€œ+ Add Wickā€. After clicking/tapping add the bot to your server as we did in the previous section in adding the bot dyno! After that you will be redirected to the dashboard of the server where you can create most of the stuff! First we will start from the ā€œAnti Nukeā€ section! In the section, below it you will see a text ā€œGeneral settingsā€ just click/tap on it and you will be redirected to the general settings. You can control the settings as they are self explanatory! You also customize other controls so I wont be including them, you shouldnā€™t be worried and you can skip this as well! As Wick automatically enables the default anti nuke etc.

Now we will be setting the wick bot to get ready for protection of server! To prevent such a HUGE and Lengthy post! I will be giving the link to the guide which the developers of wick made themselves at https://wickbot.com/docs/setup

Self Roles

Now we will work on self roles! To prevent excessive use of multiple bots we will be using dyno in self roles as well! In the modules section search for reaction roles and copy my messages I did here:

Unfortunately, at the time when I am making this tutorial. Ticket tool doesnt seems to be operating as expected and other ticket bors simply wants
to get a ā€œvoteā€ on top.gg and then you can use it.

Music is one of the most needed one here! Your not going to have your players just chat and get bored right? So therefore this might be userul in getting activity on your server!

For this tutorial we will be using the bot, ProBot which is quite famous at the moment! Head over to https://probot.io to invite, just give it a role and run the command ā€œ#playā€ which will run a song stated e.g. ā€œ#play roblox 2008 themeā€.

Now your all set!

Working on rules!
ā€¢ You need to make your own rules for your server as its your game! If you have any gameā€™s rules then just use them for your server!
ā€¢ There are several more templates for these rules etc which can be easily be found on google!

A :heart: would be appreciated before you go!*


  • I understood the post!
  • I didnt understood the post! Re-work on this post!

0 voters


Its a good tutorial I guess, but what does this tutorial have to do with Roblox Development?


Stated in Why To Have A Discord Server?. It basically helps you communicate with your game community and helps you get feedback

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Sorry. My bad. I didnā€™t see that part. Probably because its almost one in the morning for me. I should go to bed :sweat_smile:

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okay but you already have a dozens of tutorial in YouTube serving the exact same purpose of this tutorial


Main purpose was to provide a free template


A lot of people donā€™t look on his YouTube so the people who come here can see the same thing. I donā€™t see an issue in it.

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Discortics is pretty good as well and has a lot of functionalities

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This is probably a good resource. I could have used this 6 months ago when I was trying to stumble my way through this.

Thanks for sharing!

The YT videos are mostly generic and will waste LOTS of time trying to get to the basic setup that could be provided in a template. Either that or they are too specific and intended for a purpose not aligned with a roblox game server.

However I did not try this template and cannot vouch for it.

If it is good, it would be very helpful for setting up ā€˜your first discord serverā€™.


Pretty good tutorial, however if you have the spare time I recommend developers to make their own Discord server for their game/studio, that way it doesnā€™t feel robotic/cloned and feels personal. Hard to explain, but basically: I like personalized discord servers more than templated ones

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I like the idea of this thread, however it seems kindaā€¦I donā€™t know quite how to word it, but it feels like most of the content here is just ā€œadd this bot to your serverā€ without any thought about what bots to use and why.

For example, did you know that dyno has the funcitonality of both wick AND probot already, completely defeating the purpose of having them there? (not to mention before this guide Iā€™ve literally never heard of wick or probot, and in turn have no idea if theyā€™re trustworthy or not) - Do you even have a source for the bots being ā€œall verifiedā€¦and check by the officials of discordā€ (whatever that means)?

Overall, itā€™s an ok post but could use a LOT of improvement in many areas.

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Hmm interesting. I added wick as it is a well known bot and is used alot these days! Every server I visit except roblox servers, I see wick

Alright am gonna soon add why to use a bot paragraph!

bro he already said that , you donā€™t have to repeat the same thing lmao

Summary of your post: Use the template, add dyno, wick, probot and some more, then advertise your discord serverā€¦

I donā€™t see the purpose of having 14 paragraphs to explain this and Iā€™m sure that developers probably already know all these points. Also why should someone read your post when they can use youtube to watch and listen to - instead of reading - a tutorial about this exact same topic? Iā€™m not saying this isnā€™t helpful, but if you want to help people effectively maybe you can make a small video linked in this post.

Overall great explanation, just a long one.

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I appreciate the feedback! Anyways I have already stated above in one of the replies was to provide a free template. Thats why I have ā€œ[FREE TEMPLATE]ā€ in the title and all other is optional. A developer would just use just the template rather then reading the 14 paragraphs. Not all people like to watch a small video as most of them have a introduction on why to subscribe to them and join their discord server. Text posts like this one is simply straightforward! Thank you!

It expired. The template link expired.