A Bot that removes Scams

Alright hey there, i am searching some help for making a bot that can check a roblox group wall. I want to get rid of these scam messages. my friends group where i am a Developer of has over 2K members, we get allot of these pishing mails. i cleared this morning every scam came back like 2 hours aggo All the bots had rejoined and spamed the whole wall again with these scams. here are 3 pages worth of scams.

My goal is to have a bot that i can add to a rank. that if it sees a Scam it exiles and delete the post.

if any one knows a Node.JS Intergration for groups or a otherway in doing that.
Please comment down below because its going to take a while when @roblox is done with solving the scam issue,


I am not familiar with Roblox group bots, but there should be a way to just perform a regular expression on each post and delete posts.

Going to tag (@)EchoReaper because he has worked with creating bots, like the one for the developer forum group.

Edit: Removed tag. See below.


Wasnt that eryn that made the bot?

Have you tried looking into Roblox-js? Itā€™s a really powerful JavaScript system designed mainly for managing groups.


PM! :slight_smile:

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could you link me to it?

I was thinking of creating something similar to this which would not only delete suspicious posts, but also decline suspicious requests.

Suspicious posts/requests would be determined by the content//keywords/username, the user join date, avatar and blurb.

I can go ahead and do it if you guys want lol.

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well thats kinda hard to predicts they are always changing. but the messages stays in a fermilier form.

Iā€™d be constantly maintaining it, and there is pretty much always a pattern which you can pick up on without much difficulty.

Of course, false positives are bound to occur, however theyā€™d be quite infrequent with what Iā€™m thinking.

Use this or look at how it works for inspiration


@TheNexusAvenger @DutchDeveloper: Nope, the bot managing the devforum group was made by me. For iterating over wall posts and deleting them, you can use the groups endpoint, specifically:

  • GET /v1/groups/{groupId}/wall/posts
  • DELETE /v1/groups/{groupId}/wall/posts/{postId}

well its says i am not autorized to delete, how can i solve that issue?

{ā€œerrorsā€:[{ā€œcodeā€:0,ā€œmessageā€:ā€œAuthorization has been denied for this request.ā€}]}

this is what i am using

headers: {ā€˜content-typeā€™ : ā€˜application/x-www-form-urlencodedā€™},
url: posturl + str.id,
}, function(error, response, body){

@joritochip made one for our group. Works like a charm


It sounds like you arenā€™t logged in. Youā€™ll need to send a login cookie with your request, otherwise anyone could delete posts on any group wall.

I think you can login using this API endpoint. It probably returns some cookies in the header of the response, which you can save and use for the rest of your requests.

You need to send the login request twice. The first time it will return 403 and have X-CSRF-TOKEN as one of its response headers. Then you send it again, but include the X-CSRF-TOKEN in your request header. The response to the second request will have a .ROBLOSECURITY cookie, which you need to pass as a cookie with your group wall delete requests in order to authenticate that itā€™s you.

If you want to easily test out HTTP APIs, I suggest Postman. I recently started using it, and it makes it really easy to figure out how HTTP APIs work. It even has a button to show you code to make the request in many different languages.


Mind sending the source code through dms?

ETA on the source code and video? I got a lot issues with the bots.

Actually the bot source was provided for him by me, so feel free to msg me so we can chat about that.

Great, will do, however Iā€™d rather using Discord to discuss it as itā€™s way faster. Iā€™ve already added you so weā€™ll move over to there.

I made my groups manual approval only so that I can filter bots into a bots rank so they do me a favour and make my group look like it has a few more visitors than it actually does.