A-Chassis by Novena doesn't work

What is the issue?: The Car doens’t move, but the wheels are able to rotate. The sounds are working perfectly fine as well, but the car doesnt move.

Here is the Car system which I use:

(5) A-Chassis 6.81 T by Novena - Roblox

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It works just fine for me but I think I know the problem. You need to press “e” to shift up and “q” to shift down. Hope this helps!

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Thank you so much. :slight_smile:

By the way: Is there a way to disable this?

Hmmm I’m not too sure. I tried looking in the A-chassis tune but I couldn’t find anything related.

Ok, but thanks for helping me.

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You can go into the settings and change the keybinds or disable the module settings :slight_smile: