A-Chassis: Car slippery

Hello, i got an A-Chassis car, but i’m having issues with the grip. My car likes to slip a bit around while accelerating or when turning. Also, when i move and turn the wheel for a few seconds i will just keep moving straight instead of turning left.

	>Reduce weight(density) if setup is lacking torque. Increase density if setup has too much torque.
	>Add downforce manually if setup is lacking grip or use a downforce plugin.
	>Dialing in ratios used in real cars is an easy way to have a realisticly tuned transmission.

local Tune = {}

	Tune.LoadDelay		= 3.0		-- Delay before initializing chassis (in seconds)
	Tune.AutoStart		= false		-- Set to false if using manual ignition plugin
	Tune.AutoFlip		= true		-- Set to false if using manual flip plugin
	Tune.AutoUpdate		= false		-- Automatically applies minor updates to the chassis if any are found.
									-- Will NOT apply major updates, but will notify you of any.
									-- Set to false to mute notifications, or if using modified Drive.
--[[Wheel Alignment]]
	--[Don't physically apply alignment to wheels]
	--[Values are in degrees]
	Tune.FCamber		= 1
	Tune.RCamber		= 1
	Tune.FCaster		= 0
	Tune.RCaster		= 0
	Tune.FToe			= 0
	Tune.RToe			= 0
--[[Weight and CG]]
	Tune.Weight			= 4800		-- Total weight (in pounds, under Earth's gravity)
	Tune.WeightBSize	= {			-- Size of weight brick, dimensions of your car in inches divided by 10
	 --[[Width]]		7.4	,
	 --[[Height]]		7.4	,
	 --[[Length]]		19	}
	Tune.WeightDist		= 55		-- Weight distribution (0 - on rear wheels, 100 - on front wheels, can be <0 or >100)
	Tune.CGHeight		= .8		-- Center of gravity height (studs relative to median of all wheels)
	Tune.WBVisible		= false		-- Makes the weight brick visible
	--Unsprung Weight
	Tune.FWheelDensity	= .1		-- Front Wheel Density
	Tune.RWheelDensity	= .1		-- Rear Wheel Density
	Tune.AxleSize		= 1.5		-- Size of structural members (larger = MORE STABLE / carry more weight)
	Tune.AxleDensity	= .1		-- Density of structural members

	Tune.CustomSuspensionDensity	= 0	-- Density of suspension joints, only applies to custom suspension

	Tune.SuspensionEnabled	= true		-- Enables suspension, true or false
	--Front Strut
	Tune.FSusStiffness	= 9000		-- Spring Force
	Tune.FSusDamping	= 500		-- Spring Damping
	Tune.FSusLength		= 2			-- Base spring height (in studs)
	Tune.FPreCompress	= .3		-- Adds to base spring height (in studs)
	Tune.FExtensionLim	= .3		-- Max Extension Travel (in studs)
	Tune.FCompressLim	= .1		-- Max Compression Travel (in studs)

	Tune.FGyroDampening = 80		-- Front Suspension Gyro Dampening
	--Rear Strut
	Tune.RSusStiffness	= 9000		-- Spring Force
	Tune.RSusDamping	= 500		-- Spring Damping
	Tune.RSusLength		= 2			-- Base spring height (in studs)
	Tune.RPreCompress	= .2		-- Adds to base spring height (in studs)
	Tune.RExtensionLim	= .4		-- Max Extension Travel (in studs)
	Tune.RCompressLim	= .1		-- Max Compression Travel (in studs)

	Tune.RGyroDampening = 50		-- Rear Suspension Gyro Dampening

	--Old Suspension Settings, applies if there is no SuspensionGeometry for the respective wheel
	Tune.FSusAngle		= 80		-- Spring Angle (degrees from horizontal)
	Tune.FWsBoneLen		= 4			-- Wishbone Length
	Tune.FWsBoneAngle	= 0			-- Wishbone angle (degrees from horizontal)
	Tune.FAnchorOffset	= {			-- Suspension anchor point offset (relative to center of wheel)
		--[[Lateral]]		-.4		,	-- positive = outward
		--[[Vertical]]		-.5		,	-- positive = upward
		--[[Forward]]		0		}	-- positive = forward
	Tune.FSpringOffset	= {			-- Suspension anchor point offset (relative to ABOVE anchor offset) (Avxnturador)
		--[[Lateral]]		0		,	-- positive = outward 
		--[[Vertical]]		0		,	-- positive = upward
		--[[Forward]]		0		}	-- positive = forward

	Tune.RSusAngle		= 80		-- Spring Angle (degrees from horizontal)
	Tune.RWsBoneLen		= 4			-- Wishbone Length
	Tune.RWsBoneAngle	= 0			-- Wishbone angle (degrees from horizontal)
	Tune.RAnchorOffset	= {			-- Suspension anchor point offset (relative to center of wheel)
	 --[[Lateral]]		-.4		,	-- positive = outward
	 --[[Vertical]]		-.5		,	-- positive = upward
	 --[[Forward]]		0		}	-- positive = forward
	Tune.RSpringOffset	= {			-- Suspension anchor point offset (relative to ABOVE anchor offset) (Avxnturador)
	 --[[Lateral]]		0		,	-- positive = outward 
	 --[[Vertical]]		0		,	-- positive = upward
	 --[[Forward]]		0		}	-- positive = forward
	Tune.SusVisible		= false			-- Suspension Visible
	Tune.SusRadius		= .2			-- Spring Coil Radius
	Tune.SusThickness	= .1			-- Spring Coil Thickness
	Tune.SusColor		= "Bright red"	-- Spring Color [BrickColor]
	Tune.SusCoilCount	= 6				-- Spring Coil Count

--[[Wheel Stabilizer Gyro]]
	Tune.FGyroDamp		= 100		-- Front Wheel Non-Axial Dampening
	Tune.RGyroDamp		= 100		-- Rear Wheel Non-Axial Dampening
	Tune.SteeringType	= 'New'		-- New = Precise steering calculations based on real life steering assembly (LuaInt)
									-- Old = Previous steering calculations
	-- New Options
	Tune.SteerRatio		= 15/1		-- Steering ratio of your steering rack, google it for your car
	Tune.LockToLock		= 2.6		-- Number of turns of the steering wheel lock to lock, google it for your car
	Tune.Ackerman		= .9		-- If you don't know what it is don't touch it, ranges from .7 to 1.2

	-- Old Options
	Tune.SteerInner		= 45		-- Inner wheel steering angle (in degrees)
	Tune.SteerOuter		= 38		-- Outer wheel steering angle (in degrees)
	-- General Steering
	Tune.SteerSpeed		= .02		-- Steering increment per tick (in degrees)
	Tune.ReturnSpeed	= .03		-- Steering increment per tick (in degrees)
	Tune.SteerDecay		= 330		-- Speed of gradient cutoff (in SPS)
	Tune.MinSteer		= 10		-- Minimum steering at max steer decay (in percent)
	Tune.MSteerExp		= 1			-- Mouse steering exponential degree
	-- Steer Gyro Tuning, avoid changing these
	Tune.SteerD			= 1000		-- Steering Dampening
	Tune.SteerMaxTorque	= 50000		-- Steering Force
	Tune.SteerP			= 100000	-- Steering Aggressiveness

	--Four Wheel Steering (LuaInt)
	Tune.FWSteer			= 'None'	-- Static, Speed, Both, or None
	Tune.RSteerOuter		= 10		-- Outer rear wheel steering angle (in degrees)
	Tune.RSteerInner		= 10		-- Inner rear wheel steering angle (in degrees)
	Tune.RSteerSpeed		= 60		-- Speed at which 4WS fully activates (Speed), deactivates (Static), or transition begins (Both) (SPS)
	Tune.RSteerDecay		= 330		-- Speed of gradient cutoff (in SPS)

	-- Rear Steer Gyro Tuning, avoid changing these
	Tune.RSteerD			= 1000		-- Steering Dampening
	Tune.RSteerMaxTorque	= 50000		-- Steering Force
	Tune.RSteerP			= 100000	-- Steering Aggressiveness
--[[Engine (Avxnturador)]]

	-- Everything below can be illustrated and tuned with the graph below.
	-- https://www.desmos.com/calculator/oishj9m1tq
	-- This includes everything, from the engines, to boost, to electric.
	-- To import engines prior to AC6C V1.3, consult the README.
	-- Naturally Aspirated Engine
	Tune.Engine 		= true		
		Tune.Horsepower		= 100	-- Naturally aspirated horsepower, before adding forced induction
		Tune.IdleRPM		= 950	-- Engine idle
		Tune.PeakRPM		= 3500	-- Where horsepower reaches peak
		Tune.Redline		= 5500	-- Your engine's rev limiter
		Tune.PeakSharpness	= 20	-- How fast power drops off past peak horsepower
		Tune.CurveMult		= .5	-- Higher values mean a peakier power curve, lower values being smoother
		Tune.EqPoint		= 5252	-- Standardized, do not touch

		Tune.CompressionRatio	= 8.5 -- Only affects cars with forced induction, Google this value
	-- Electric Engine
	Tune.Electric		= false
		Tune.E_Redline	= 12700
		Tune.E_Trans1	= 4000
		Tune.E_Trans2	= 7000
		-- Horsepower
		Tune.E_Horsepower	= 223
		Tune.EH_FrontMult	= 0.15
		Tune.EH_EndMult		= 2.9
		Tune.EH_EndPercent	= 7
		-- Torque
		Tune.E_Torque		= 286
		Tune.ET_EndMult		= 1.505
		Tune.ET_EndPercent	= 27.5
	-- Turbocharger
	Tune.Turbochargers	= 0				-- Number of turbochargers in the engine, set to 0 for no turbochargers
		Tune.T_Boost		= 7
		Tune.T_BoostLag		= 125		-- Turbo lag overall
		Tune.T2_BoostLag	= 250		-- (ONLY ACTIVE ON TWIN TURBO CARS) Second turbo lag, equal to the first turbo lag or greater if you're using sequential turbos
	-- Supercharger
	Tune.Superchargers	= 0				-- Number of superchargers in the engine
										-- Set to 0 for no superchargers
		Tune.S_Boost		= 7
		Tune.S_Sensitivity	= 0.05		-- Supercharger responsiveness/sensitivity, applied per tick (recommended values between 0.05 to 0.1)
	Tune.ThrotAccel		= .08		-- Throttle acceleration, applied per tick (recommended values between 0.05 to 0.1)
	Tune.ThrotDecel		= .2		-- Throttle deceleration, applied per tick (recommended values between 0.1 to 0.3)
	Tune.BrakeAccel		= .2		-- Brake acceleration, applied per tick
	Tune.BrakeDecel		= .5		-- Brake deceleration, applied per tick
	Tune.RevAccel		= 250		-- RPM acceleration when clutch is off
	Tune.RevDecay		= 75		-- RPM decay when clutch is off
	Tune.RevBounce		= 250		-- RPM kickback from redline
	Tune.IdleThrottle	= 3			-- Percent throttle at idle
	Tune.Flywheel		= 200		-- Flywheel weight (higher = faster response, lower = more stable RPM)
	Tune.InclineComp	= 1			-- Torque compensation multiplier for inclines (applies gradient from 0-90 degrees)
	Tune.Config			= "FWD"		-- "FWD" , "RWD" , "AWD"
	Tune.TorqueVector	= .3		-- AWD ONLY, "-1" has a 100% front bias, "0" has a 50:50 bias, and "1" has a 100% rear bias. Can be any number between that range.
	-- Differential Settings
	Tune.DifferentialType = 'New'	-- New: Fairly precise and accurate settings based on a real differential
									-- Old: Same differential as previous iterations of AC6
	-- Old Options
	Tune.FDiffSlipThres	= 50		-- 1 - 100%				(Max threshold of applying full lock determined by deviation from avg speed)
	Tune.FDiffLockThres	= 50		-- 0 - 100%				(0 - Bias toward slower wheel, 100 - Bias toward faster wheel)
	Tune.RDiffSlipThres	= 50		-- 1 - 100%
	Tune.RDiffLockThres	= 50		-- 0 - 100%
	Tune.CDiffSlipThres	= 50		-- 1 - 100%				[AWD Only]
	Tune.CDiffLockThres	= 50		-- 0 - 100%				[AWD Only]
	-- New Options (LuaInt)
	Tune.FDiffPower		= 20		-- 0 - 100				Higher values yield more wheel lock-up under throttle, more stability (Front wheels if driven only)
	Tune.FDiffCoast		= 20		-- 0 - 100				Higher values yield more wheel lock-up when off throttle, more stability (Front wheels if driven only)
	Tune.FDiffPreload	= 20		-- 0 - 100				Higher values will make the wheels generally lock up faster in any environment (Front wheels if driven only)
	Tune.RDiffPower		= 40		-- 0 - 100				(Rear wheels if driven only)
	Tune.RDiffCoast		= 30		-- 0 - 100				(Rear wheels if driven only)
	Tune.RDiffPreload	= 20		-- 0 - 100				(Rear wheels if driven only)
	-- Traction Control Settings
	Tune.TCSEnabled		= false		-- Implements TCS
	Tune.TCSThreshold	= 20		-- Slip speed allowed before TCS starts working (in SPS)
	Tune.TCSGradient	= 20		-- Slip speed gradient between 0 to max reduction (in SPS)
	Tune.TCSLimit		= 10		-- Minimum amount of torque at max reduction (in percent)
	Tune.Clutch			= true		-- Implements a realistic clutch, change to "false" for the chassis to act like AC6.81T.

	Tune.TransModes		= {"Auto", "Manual"}												--[[
		"Auto"		: Automatic shifting
		"Manual"	: Manual shifting with clutch
			eg: {"Semi"} or {"Auto", "Manual"}								
	>First mode is default mode													]]
	Tune.ClutchMode		= "New"												--[[
		"New"		: Speed controls clutch engagement			(AC6C V1.2)
		"Old"		: Speed and RPM control clutch engagement	(AC6C V1.1)		]]
	Tune.ClutchType 	= "Clutch"										--[[
		"Clutch"			: Standard clutch, recommended
		"TorqueConverter"	: Torque converter, keeps RPM up
		"CVT"				: CVT, found in scooters
	--Transmission Settings
	Tune.Stall			= false		-- Stalling, enables the car to stall. An ignition plugin would be necessary. Disables if Tune.Clutch is false.
	Tune.ClutchRel		= true		-- If true, the driver must let off the gas before shifting to a higher gear. Recommended false for beginners.
	Tune.ClutchEngage	= 50		-- How fast engagement is (0 = instant, 99 = super slow)	
	Tune.SpeedEngage 	= 20		-- Speed the clutch fully engages at (Based on SPS) 

	Tune.ClutchKick			= false	-- Enables clutch kicking, true or false
	Tune.KickMult			= 5		-- Torque multiplier on launch
	Tune.KickSpeedThreshold = 20	-- Speed limit on launch (SPS)
	Tune.KickRPMThreshold 	= 2000	-- RPM limit on launch, range is created below redline
	--Clutch: "Old" mode
	Tune.ClutchRPMMult	= 1.0		-- Clutch RPM multiplier, recommended to leave at 1.0
	--Torque Converter:
	Tune.TQLock 		= false		-- Torque converter starts locking at a certain RPM
	--Torque Converter and CVT:
	Tune.RPMEngage 		= 3500		-- Keeps RPMs to this level until passed
	--Neutral Rev Limiter (Avxnturador)
	Tune.NeutralLimit	= true		-- Enables a different redline RPM for when the car is in neutral
	Tune.NeutralRevRPM	= 3500		-- The rev limiter when the car is in neutral
	Tune.LimitClutch	= false		-- Will also limit RPMs while the clutch is pressed down
	--Automatic Settings
	Tune.AutoShiftMode	= "Speed"												--[[
		"Speed"		: Shifts based on wheel speed
		"RPM"		: Shifts based on RPM										]]	
	Tune.AutoShiftType	= "DCT"												--[[
		"Rev"		: Clutch engages fully once RPM reached			(AC6C V1)
		"DCT"		: Clutch engages after a set time has passed	(AC6.81T)	]]
	Tune.AutoShiftVers	= "New"												--[[
		"New"		: Shift from Reverse, Neutral, and Drive		(AC6.81T)
		"Old"		: Auto shifts into R or D when stopped.			(AC6.52S2)	]]
	Tune.AutoUpThresh	= -200		-- Automatic upshift point 	(relative to peak RPM, positive = Over-rev)
	Tune.AutoDownThresh = 1400		-- Automatic downshift point (relative to peak RPM, positive = Under-rev)
	--Automatic: Revmatching
	Tune.ShiftThrot		= 100		-- Throttle level when shifting down to revmatch, 0 - 100%
	--Automatic: DCT
	Tune.ShiftUpTime	= 0.4		-- Time required to shift into next gear, from a lower gear to a higher one.
	Tune.ShiftDnTime	= 0.2		-- Time required to shift into next gear, from a higher gear to a lower one.
	--Gear Ratios
	Tune.FinalDrive		= 3.545
	Tune.Ratios			= {
		--[[Reverse]]	3.28		,
		--[[Neutral]]	0			,
		--[[ 1 ]]		3.827		,
		--[[ 2 ]]		2.36		,
		--[[ 3 ]]		1.685		,
		--[[ 4 ]]		1.313		,
		--[[ 5 ]]		1			,
		--[[ 6 ]]		.793		,
	Tune.FDMult			= 1			-- Ratio multiplier (keep this at 1 if car is not struggling with torque)
	Tune.ABSEnabled		= false		-- Implements ABS
	Tune.ABSThreshold	= 20		-- Slip speed allowed before ABS starts working (in SPS) 

	Tune.BrakeForce		= 2500		-- Total brake force (LuaInt)
	Tune.BrakeBias		= .6		-- Brake bias towards the front, percentage (1 = Front, 0 = Rear, .5 = 50/50)
	Tune.PBrakeForce	= 5000		-- Handbrake force
	Tune.PBrakeBias		= 0			-- Handbrake bias towards the front, percentage (1 = Front, 0 = Rear, .5 = 50/50)
	Tune.EBrakeForce	= 500		-- Engine braking force at redline
--[[[Default Controls]]
	--Peripheral Deadzones
	Tune.Peripherals = {
		MSteerWidth				= 67		,	-- Mouse steering control width	(0 - 100% of screen width)
		MSteerDZone				= 10		,	-- Mouse steering deadzone (0 - 100%)
		ControlLDZone			= 5			,	-- Controller steering L-deadzone (0 - 100%)
		ControlRDZone			= 5			,	-- Controller steering R-deadzone (0 - 100%)
	--Control Mapping
	Tune.Controls = {
	--Keyboard Controls
		--Mode Toggles
		ToggleTCS				= Enum.KeyCode.U					,
		ToggleABS				= Enum.KeyCode.I					,
		ToggleTransMode			= Enum.KeyCode.M					,
		ToggleMouseDrive		= Enum.KeyCode.R					,
		--Primary Controls
		Throttle				= Enum.KeyCode.W					,
		Brake					= Enum.KeyCode.S					,
		SteerLeft				= Enum.KeyCode.A					,
		SteerRight				= Enum.KeyCode.D				,
		--Secondary Controls
		Throttle2				= Enum.KeyCode.W					,
		Brake2					= Enum.KeyCode.S					,
		SteerLeft2				= Enum.KeyCode.A					,
		SteerRight2				= Enum.KeyCode.D					,
		--Manual Transmission
		ShiftUp					= Enum.KeyCode.E					,
		ShiftDown				= Enum.KeyCode.Q					,
		Clutch					= Enum.KeyCode.LeftShift			,
		PBrake					= Enum.KeyCode.B					,
	--Mouse Controls
		MouseThrottle			= Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1	,
		MouseBrake				= Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton2	,
		MouseClutch				= Enum.KeyCode.W					,
		MouseShiftUp			= Enum.KeyCode.E					,
		MouseShiftDown			= Enum.KeyCode.Q					,
		MousePBrake				= Enum.KeyCode.LeftShift			,
	--Controller Mapping
		ContlrThrottle			= Enum.KeyCode.ButtonR2				,
		ContlrBrake				= Enum.KeyCode.ButtonL2				,
		ContlrSteer				= Enum.KeyCode.Thumbstick1			,
		ContlrShiftUp			= Enum.KeyCode.ButtonY				,
		ContlrShiftDown			= Enum.KeyCode.ButtonX				,
		ContlrClutch			= Enum.KeyCode.ButtonR1				,
		ContlrPBrake			= Enum.KeyCode.ButtonL1				,
		ContlrToggleTMode		= Enum.KeyCode.DPadUp				,
		ContlrToggleTCS			= Enum.KeyCode.DPadDown				,
		ContlrToggleABS			= Enum.KeyCode.DPadRight			,
return Tune

Thanks for any help!


Try modifying the CustomPhysicalProperties of the car wheels. Make the friction property higher.


Does this work? bc i am havinf the same porb


It doesnt work. I still wasn’t able to fix this issue so i decided to get an older version of A-Chassis


I can’t even find an ‘older version’, are you able to put one here?


What version of A-Chassis are you using? I can probably send you a link to an older albeit outdated version of A-Chassis. Sadly, getting you this older version of A-Chassis is the only form of help I can provide as I have very, very limited knowledge about it.


It is ok, thankyou for replying, I have found a different chassis that doesn’t seem to slip around as much.
Kind Regards

  • Creative Side B

I have the same issue: my car slips too much when turning. Could you please provide a link of the fixed A-Chassis?


you can change the wheeldensity property in the config.


just control the throttle. if you cant drive powerful cars then lower the power


changing it to a higher value makes the rear suspension up too high, how could i fix that?

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So its nothing to do with the A Chassis Script just go to custom physics propperties on the wheels names FL, FR, RL, RR and do the following this is worked for me

Just Mess around with those settings and it should work


thats going to make the chassis unrealistic

Not really. You need to make everything in the cars work well together. There are many things that will effect the handling off this chassis. Like the Axle Density, Suspension Stiffness, Horsepower, Gearing, Wheel Turn Radius, Wheel Turn Speed, and a lot more. The things I just named off are the ones you need to get perfect for cars to feel smooth and realistic

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i race a-chassis, so i know all of that. i doubt that op wants to make a race car so he cant add any camber, caster or ackermann. the only realistic way to increase tires friction is using simulated tire script and change preset but summer (the least grippy) is default and as i said, i doubt that op wants to make a race car (use slicks)

I understand that but he asked how to make Car less slippery I provided valid information regarding his question, but I understand what you are saying.


That actually helped me, thank you.

That does work, but when car start’s ganing speed, it fails…

For me I would just turn the car into AWD and it works perfectly for me

How do I fix my car that keeps flipping over its annoying