A-Chassis makes the car too high

Hi. I hope this is really simple to understand. So I got a buggy and the A-Chassis suspensions make the buggy to high and make it look not nice. Here is what I’m talking about -

Before running the game :
Screenshot 2021-08-19 at 21.56.32
After running the game:
Screenshot 2021-08-19 at 21.57.45

I tried everything off lowering the wheels or lowering the suspensions in the settings but they just make the buggy glitch or not work.

I want it to basically look the same after running the game (like in picture 1, before running the game).

You didn’t even send us any code so we could try to find what is wrong. :confused:

Here -
Tune.SusEnabled = true – works only in with PGSPhysicsSolverEnabled, defaults to false when PGS is disabled

--Front Suspension
Tune.FSusDamping	= 500		-- Spring Dampening
Tune.FSusStiffness	= 3000		-- Spring Force
Tune.FAntiRoll 		= 50		-- Anti-Roll (Gyro Dampening)

Tune.FSusLength		= 2			-- Suspension length (in studs)
Tune.FPreCompress	= .3		-- Pre-compression adds resting length force
Tune.FExtensionLim	= .3		-- Max Extension Travel (in studs)
Tune.FCompressLim	= .1		-- Max Compression Travel (in studs)
Tune.FSusAngle		= 80		-- Suspension Angle (degrees from horizontal)
Tune.FWsBoneLen		= 5			-- Wishbone Length
Tune.FWsBoneAngle	= 0			-- Wishbone angle (degrees from horizontal)
Tune.FAnchorOffset	= {			-- Suspension anchor point offset (relative to center of wheel)
 --[[Lateral]]		-.4		,	-- positive = outward
 --[[Vertical]]		-.5		,	-- positive = upward
 --[[Forward]]		0		}	-- positive = forward

--Rear Suspension
Tune.RSusDamping	= 500		-- Spring Dampening
Tune.RSusStiffness	= 9000		-- Spring Force
Tune.FAntiRoll 		= 50		-- Anti-Roll (Gyro Dampening)

Tune.RSusLength		= 1		-- Suspension length (in studs)
Tune.RPreCompress	= .3		-- Pre-compression adds resting length force
Tune.RExtensionLim	= .3		-- Max Extension Travel (in studs)
Tune.RCompressLim	= .1		-- Max Compression Travel (in studs)
Tune.RSusAngle		= 80		-- Suspension Angle (degrees from horizontal)
Tune.RWsBoneLen		= 5			-- Wishbone Length
Tune.RWsBoneAngle	= 0			-- Wishbone angle (degrees from horizontal)
Tune.RAnchorOffset	= {			-- Suspension anchor point offset (relative to center of wheel)
 --[[Lateral]]		-.4		,	-- positive = outward
 --[[Vertical]]		-.5		,	-- positive = upward
 --[[Forward]]		0		}	-- positive = forward

Tune.SusVisible		= false			-- Spring Visible
Tune.WsBVisible		= true			-- Wishbone Visible
Tune.SusRadius		= .2			-- Suspension Coil Radius
Tune.SusThickness	= .1			-- Suspension Coil Thickness
Tune.SusColor		= "Bright red"	-- Suspension Color [BrickColor]
Tune.SusCoilCount	= 6				-- Suspension Coil Count
Tune.WsColor		= "Black"		-- Wishbone Color [BrickColor]
Tune.WsThickness	= .1			-- Wishbone Rod Thickness

–[[Wheel Stabilizer Gyro]]
Tune.FGyroDamp = 100 – Front Wheel Non-Axial Dampening
Tune.RGyroDamp = 100 – Rear Wheel Non-Axial Dampening

Instead of lowering it did you try to put it higher?

that happened to me i just readjust until its good ingame