I want to make steering faster and smoother, like other games which don’t suffer from my problem.
The problem I’m having is that when steering at low speeds, the car gets shaky and it takes some time to get to a higher speed. This doesn’t happen when it’s not steering
Video here
For the shaking, I’ve tried changing the suspension settings, but it doesn’t help since it’s a sports car and the suspension needs to be stiff and short. And for the steering speed, I tried changing the caster, steering torque, horsepower, etc.
I don’t have any steering plug-ins or something that might affect. But here is the code:
--[[Wheel Alignment]]
--[Don't physically apply alignment to wheels]
--[Values are in degrees]
Tune.FCamber = -2
Tune.RCamber = -2
Tune.FCaster = 5
Tune.RCaster = -5
Tune.FToe = 0
Tune.RToe = 0
--[[Weight and CG]]
Tune.Weight = 3362 -- Total weight (in pounds, under Earth's gravity)
Tune.WeightBSize = { -- Size of weight brick, dimensions of your car in inches divided by 10
--[[Width]] 7.03 ,
--[[Height]] 5.35 ,
--[[Length]] 18.11 }
Tune.WeightDist = 46 -- Weight distribution (0 - on rear wheels, 100 - on front wheels, can be <0 or >100)
Tune.CGHeight = .075 -- Center of gravity height (studs relative to median of all wheels)
Tune.WBVisible = true -- Makes the weight brick visible
--Unsprung Weight
Tune.FWheelDensity = .2 -- Front Wheel Density
Tune.RWheelDensity = .2 -- Rear Wheel Density
Tune.AxleSize = 2.5 -- Size of structural members (larger = MORE STABLE / carry more weight)
Tune.AxleDensity = .1 -- Density of structural members
Tune.CustomSuspensionDensity = 0 -- Density of suspension joints, only applies to custom suspension
Tune.SuspensionEnabled = true -- Enables suspension, true or false
--Front Strut
Tune.FSusStiffness = 22000 -- Spring Force
Tune.FSusDamping = 920 -- Spring Damping
Tune.FSusLength = 1.05 -- Base spring height (in studs)
Tune.FPreCompress = 1.05 -- Adds to base spring height (in studs)
Tune.FExtensionLim = 1.05 -- Max Extension Travel (in studs)
Tune.FCompressLim = .95 -- Max Compression Travel (in studs)
Tune.FGyroDampening = 7 -- Front Suspension Gyro Dampening
--Rear Strut
Tune.RSusStiffness = 22000 -- Spring Force
Tune.RSusDamping = 920 -- Spring Damping
Tune.RSusLength = 1.05 -- Base spring height (in studs)
Tune.RPreCompress = 1.05 -- Adds to base spring height (in studs)
Tune.RExtensionLim = 1.05 -- Max Extension Travel (in studs)
Tune.RCompressLim = .95 -- Max Compression Travel (in studs)
Tune.RGyroDampening = 5 -- Rear Suspension Gyro Dampening
--Old Suspension Settings, applies if there is no SuspensionGeometry for the respective wheel
Tune.FSusAngle = 80 -- Spring Angle (degrees from horizontal)
Tune.FWsBoneLen = 4 -- Wishbone Length
Tune.FWsBoneAngle = 0 -- Wishbone angle (degrees from horizontal)
Tune.FAnchorOffset = { -- Suspension anchor point offset (relative to center of wheel)
--[[Lateral]] -.4 , -- positive = outward
--[[Vertical]] -.5 , -- positive = upward
--[[Forward]] 0 } -- positive = forward
Tune.FSpringOffset = { -- Suspension anchor point offset (relative to ABOVE anchor offset) (Avxnturador)
--[[Lateral]] 0 , -- positive = outward
--[[Vertical]] 0 , -- positive = upward
--[[Forward]] 0 } -- positive = forward
Tune.RSusAngle = 80 -- Spring Angle (degrees from horizontal)
Tune.RWsBoneLen = 4 -- Wishbone Length
Tune.RWsBoneAngle = 0 -- Wishbone angle (degrees from horizontal)
Tune.RAnchorOffset = { -- Suspension anchor point offset (relative to center of wheel)
--[[Lateral]] -.4 , -- positive = outward
--[[Vertical]] -.5 , -- positive = upward
--[[Forward]] 0 } -- positive = forward
Tune.RSpringOffset = { -- Suspension anchor point offset (relative to ABOVE anchor offset) (Avxnturador)
--[[Lateral]] 0 , -- positive = outward
--[[Vertical]] 0 , -- positive = upward
--[[Forward]] 0 } -- positive = forward
Tune.SusVisible = false -- Suspension Visible
Tune.SusRadius = .2 -- Spring Coil Radius
Tune.SusThickness = .1 -- Spring Coil Thickness
Tune.SusColor = "Bright red" -- Spring Color [BrickColor]
Tune.SusCoilCount = 6 -- Spring Coil Count
--[[Wheel Stabilizer Gyro]]
Tune.FGyroDamp = 30 -- Front Wheel Non-Axial Dampening
Tune.RGyroDamp = 30 -- Rear Wheel Non-Axial Dampening
Tune.SteeringType = 'Old' -- New = Precise steering calculations based on real life steering assembly (LuaInt)
-- Old = Previous steering calculations
-- New Options
Tune.SteerRatio = 15.9/1 -- Steering ratio of your steering rack, google it for your car
Tune.LockToLock = 2.6 -- Number of turns of the steering wheel lock to lock, google it for your car
Tune.Ackerman = .9 -- If you don't know what it is don't touch it, ranges from .7 to 1.2
-- Old Options
Tune.SteerInner = 30 -- Inner wheel steering angle (in degrees)
Tune.SteerOuter = 30 -- Outer wheel steering angle (in degrees)
-- General Steering
Tune.SteerSpeed = .25 -- Steering increment per tick (in degrees)
Tune.ReturnSpeed = .4 -- Steering increment per tick (in degrees)
Tune.SteerDecay = 1600 -- Speed of gradient cutoff (in SPS)
Tune.MinSteer = 20 -- Minimum steering at max steer decay (in percent)
Tune.MSteerExp = 1 -- Mouse steering exponential degree
-- Steer Gyro Tuning, avoid changing these
Tune.SteerD = 1000 -- Steering Dampening
Tune.SteerMaxTorque = 10000 -- Steering Force
Tune.SteerP = 7500 -- Steering Aggressiveness
--Four Wheel Steering (LuaInt)
Tune.FWSteer = 'None' -- Static, Speed, Both, or None
Tune.RSteerOuter = 10 -- Outer rear wheel steering angle (in degrees)
Tune.RSteerInner = 10 -- Inner rear wheel steering angle (in degrees)
Tune.RSteerSpeed = 60 -- Speed at which 4WS fully activates (Speed), deactivates (Static), or transition begins (Both) (SPS)
Tune.RSteerDecay = 330 -- Speed of gradient cutoff (in SPS)
-- Rear Steer Gyro Tuning, avoid changing these
Tune.RSteerD = 1000 -- Steering Dampening
Tune.RSteerMaxTorque = 50000 -- Steering Force
Tune.RSteerP = 100000 -- Steering Aggressiveness