A-Chassis Teleporting Player Into Car [HELP]

Im trying to make a script that teleports the player into the car but there is a problem. When the player is teleported into the seat the vehicle is not driveable and the A-Chassis UI is not visible. Here is my current code

function RaceManager:seatPlayers()
	local startingPositions = StartingPositions:GetChildren()
	local playerNames = {}

	for i, player in ipairs(self.enteredPlayers) do
		table.insert(playerNames, player.Name)

		local carClone = Cars.CarTemplate:Clone()
		carClone.Parent = game.Workspace
		carClone.Name = player.Name .. "'s Car"

		local verticalOffset = Vector3.new(0, 5, 0)
		carClone:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(startingPositions[i].CFrame * CFrame.new(verticalOffset))


		local seat = carClone:WaitForChild("DriveSeat")

If you know of a solution please let me know, Thanks in advance!

Using Sit might not meet the requirements to trigger the UI, check that any scripts responsible for showing the driving UI are triggered when the player sits in the vehicle.

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a chassis has a wait time in the tuning script you can find it and change it to zero its in the module script and add a wait for the player to sit down
“LoadDelay” = 0

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