A-Chassis Tune Help

Hey! I am currently using A-Chassis Tune on my vehicles for my game to find out what the top speed for vehicles are gonna be, I can’t find out how to change the top speed on the vehicle, Is somebody able to assist with this?

In A-Chassis Tune, you can’t directly edited top speed value.

But there is some way to increase car speed/car acceleration.
Go in A-Chassis Tune module configuration, and edit these values :

Tune.Horsepower		= 400 -- (Change with horsepower value)
Tune.IdleRPM		= 950 -- (Increase this value to improve acceleration)

Play with this to find a good top speed value!


Awesome, I’ll give it a try, Thank you so much!

You can’t directly change the top speed of a vehicle in A-Chassis, but you can change the gear ratios, and engine settings to change the acceleration, torque, horsepower of the vehicle which in turn determines the top speed.


Could somebody help me script a custom driving system, smiler to A-Chassis Tune?

Seeing that A-Chassis uses Angular body velocity and hinge constraints, along with springcontraints, after looking into the chassis, I have found that the wheels turn with hinge constraints and that they use the body velocity to move the wheels. I have no knowledge on how they manage gears and the MPH UI or manage drifting and horsepower.

to know what speed u can go on each gear u can try this paste this code at the bottom of your drive script.

for i,a in pairs(_Tune.Ratios) do
	print(i .." = "..math.ceil(wDRatio*(_Tune.Redline)/a/fFD).." SPS")

also the values in Tune.Ratios allow you to change the maximum speed in each gear (lower value → higher speed, higher value → lower speed)

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